Is Polygon still a good investment in 2024? (Price Prediction) What is Polygon 2.0?

What I will say about polygon 2.0 is you Will have polygon handling high high Volumes of traffic producing tons and Tons of data and low fees and with high Degrees of accessibility but they're Still going to maintain that really Tight connectivity to the ethereum Mainnet ethereum is always going to be Home to powerful D5 Primitives and lots Of liquidity and I think polygon is Smart not to close the door completely On that I personally believe that we are Trending in the direction of You're a polygon fan am I correct you Are correct yeah For the folks at home who may be living Under a rock what is polygon and I guess What is your Investor's thesis for Polygon Yeah great question and funny if you're Living under a rock is literally polygon Is everywhere I think they do a really Nice job of of being Sort of in front of everyone getting Into some of the use cases around gaming Etc but what polygon is really or let's Think about what they started as they Started as an ethereum Layer Two their Whole premise was we want to scale Ethereum and they're still in that boat But they were interested in being an L2 Before being an L2 was cool now we have So many different l2s and so they've had To

Change their approach a little bit and What polygon has done now is become an Ethereum virtual machine compatible Scaling layer or a layer for for Everyone lower gas fees there's more Block space meaning more transactions in Each block meaning lower gas fees higher Transaction throughput easier for Everyone to use this for things like Gaming for broad digital asset use cases Like nfts where gas fees on the ethereum Mainnet have become painfully painfully High one of the other things that Polygon has done that I think Differentiates them in this space is They accumulated a Pretty robust amount of zero knowledge Proofs talent and zero knowledge proofs Without diving too deeply into something Nastily technical you can think of zero Knowledge proofs as a family of Technologies for both scaling the Blockchain technology that we use every Day by reducing many different Transactions into smaller proofs that You can validate thousands of Transactions in one single proof very Reductive but you get the idea and they Did that that sort of accumulation of Technical talent for zero knowledge Proofs pretty early on in the game uh And so as a result of that a lot of Their Tech stack now is predicated on Zero knowledge Technologies they have

What's called ZK evm which is a pretty Powerful layer 2 technology for ethereum And they've just announced not till not Too long ago in this summer the 2.0 Version of polygon which is really Taking all the technology and all the Diversion that they've made from that Original vision of being an ethereum L2 And kind of unifying it back to that Core Mission which is scaling ethereum For the masses and all of what I just Mentioned is part of that investor Thesis it's the accumulation of Technology it's the experimentation and It's their I think one of their core talents in the Polygon Core team is to bring together different Builders to build things that are Accessible to a wider audience making Things simpler to use so I'll pause There those are some of my thoughts So this might be a incredibly simple Question and could apply to almost any Crypto project Is are we to think of it you know the Same way as like ethereum as users and Dapps continue to build on polygon and People transacting polygon the value Will accrue to the polygon token I mean one could argue that in in a General sense yes theoretically you know If you have a step change in you know Larger and larger and larger audiences

Using polygon you know that could be Good for the economy of polygon and it's Its native coin Um a lot of times the way that token Economics are structured and there's a Lot of variance in that you have to then Dive really deeply into the lowest level Of the protocol economics uh what are Emissions is there inflation our tokens Burned is there deflation what do people Use those tokens for and so to really Figure that out I think is it's like Calculus and even when you have what you Think is the answer people interact with Protocols in in ways that Maybe that the creators didn't imagine In the beginning and so their thoughts About what would accrue the value in the Token don't materialize so what I would Say is It's it at least appears to me that Polygon's focus is let's bring as many People on as possible and let's really Rebase all of what we're doing and what We've done into a clear cohesive message Which is we're going to create a sort of Mega chain multi-chain there's all these Little terminology that they use Platform where everyone can build and Use at high scale but still stay really Close to the ethereum ecosystem because I think and I I believe you're a fan of Ethereum Um

We know that ethereum is not going away Despite those who may say that it is Ethereum is likely going to be a an Execution and settlement layer for all Of the polygons of the world for a long Time so I like that they're trying to Stick close to that and derive Either inspiration or security from Ethereum or both Okay I want to ask you about the big upgrade Coming to polygon but before we get There is there anything else to say on Polygon today and what polygon has Accomplished I think the only other thing I want to Mention about what polygon has Accomplished is that They have really Highlighted the difference Between a true Layer Two And a side chain or a network that Starts as a layer two and kind of Naturally becomes its own layer one or Its own side chain and the key Differentiator is that polygon at one Point early early on when I talked about Them starting out as a layer two before It was cool They originally had this idea of Deriving security from ethereum mainnet And basically you rely on that you're Validating your transactions down to the Layer one for consensus and finality

They shifted to this we're going to be Our own proof of stake chain in a in and Of ourselves and that kind of turned Them from a layer two to a side chain And then they have the zke evm which is A true Layer Two in the true sense of The word and it it's a really big point Of confusion for people because you hear These terms thrown around all the time Oh it's a layer two it's a layer three Now there's layer zero it gets very very Confusing But I think the fact that polygon exists Is really shown What you do as a project and how you Build your technology determines what Classification you have as a As a protocol in the space and that's an Accomplishment in an oven in and of Itself to Pioneer that that path and Showing that it's a fluid State Depending on the decisions you make from A technical perspective Yeah and before we get too far just in Brief for the folks at home hashoshi I Know you I follow you I think you're Really smart with crypto uh but who are You and feel free to brag a little bit Um bragging sound of my nature but who I Am I am a deeply technical guy I started Out in the Bitcoin space Um well I consider myself both a nerd And a tech guy uh maybe they're both the Same thing but I stumbled upon the

Bitcoin white paper way back when 2010-ish and I was like this is what I Want to do with my life and I just threw Everything into to research and and Building ethereum came into the mix Picked up solidity started building Smart contracts working with you know Taking client work and doing things like That and uh started making videos and Explaining these things to people Because that was what I was passionate About doing even though is a pretty Introverted guy and was freaked out About making videos about stuff Um but but yeah and here we are I think The the space has changed so much both In good ways and in some ways there's Some bad things that have come from the Explosion and all of the money that can Be made doing this and and that's par For the course I'm not vilifying crypto But Um I think there's there's so much Technical depth that there is in the Space the bar is so high to really Understand what's going on and my main Mission and I'm hoping you know get the Baby in a stable spot I'm moving and Moving Studios but my goal really is to Just continue to make content that makes The technical stuff make a little bit More sense to people so that they can Feel like they really get what they're Investing in or what they're interacting

With on a day-to-day basis so that's me I'm following this guy you can too Linked below my next question hashoshi Is polygon's future because polygon is Going through a major upgrade help us Break that down I even hear they're Changing their ticker from Matic to pole What's going on Yeah I think this is the final this is That final move from Polygon of the past back in their Matic Days which is what they used to be Called to polygon of the future they've Started in one spot they've moved in a Bunch of different directions and now They're kind of coming back into the Middle and they have their sweet spot Where they want to operate and so Polygon 2.0 is sort of like a a Four-layer stack which is rooted in that ZK technology that I talked about Earlier and so they outline this four Layer stack for polygon of the future as The staking layer the interoperability Layer the execution layer and the Proving layer and these four different Layers of the stack cover at the top Proof of State consensus which is going To stay core to their Vision that's Where you have staking and validation Things you're probably very familiar With the interop layer short for Interoperability is going to cover the Connectivity between these sort of mini

Polygon chains that are going to be used As a mechanism to scale well basically They want to accommodate All of the world's traffic that's their Lofty goal right they want to be a Blockchain where you can execute all Kinds of different applications at scale And so the interrupt layer is going to Connect all the individual polygon Supernet chains really it's just you can Think of them like little copies of Polygon as well as connectivity to other Public chains think about other ethereum Layer twos ethereum Network itself and You move down the stack you have the Execution layer that's where you have Things for the actual core functionality The brain of the network this is really Where you produce blocks of transactions That formulates the blockchain and then The proving layer is where all that zero Knowledge crazy technical arguably kind Of nasty technical stuff happens around Generating and distributing the proofs That run this this future that that Polygon is dictating around zero Knowledge proofs Technologies what I say About polygon 2.0 is that the really Basing all of this around the theory That you will have Polygon handling high high high volumes Of traffic producing tons and tons of of Data stored on a blockchain and do that With low fees and with high degrees of

Accessibility but they're still going to Maintain that really tight connectivity To the ethereum mainnet to the ethereum L1 both for reasons of security but I Think also for liquidity ethereum is Always going to be home to Powerful D5 Primitives and lots of Liquidity and I think polygon is smart Not to close the door completely on that And that's kind of an homage to their History which is we started with Ethereum as an L2 and we're kind of Finishing not as a strict L2 but as a Sort of sister chain to etherea So that's that's the gist around polygon And I think changing the ticker symbol Makes a lot of sense now because It's almost Um Symbolic of the the change that's Happening and then I know there's a lot To say on this next question and we Don't have to get too technical but like How do you compare polygon to the other Popular ethereum l2s because there are Prominent ones there are more coming Like where does Polygon begin Yeah see the from the from a technical Perspective it's funny because A lot of the ethereum virtual machine Compatible changes or evm compatible Chains that are out there say the Competing l1s let's say the Um you know Avalanches of the world then

You think about the l2s there's Arbitrum optimism CK sync all these Different things and a lot of them are Just different flavors of largely the Same design principles and it's an Evolution in a sense of you know like The 20s 2017 era where you had a bunch Of different chains that were all doing Basically the same thing but they were Just optimizing for one parameter of the Blockchain trilemma scalability security Decentralization you make a choice which Ones do I prioritize and why now we're Kind of in this place where it's there's All these different Technologies to Choose from and they're now even in just Zero knowledge there's like a bunch of Different approaches that are being used And so each of these chains is taking Their pick this is the one that I think Is the this is the recipe with all the Ingredients we have that makes the best Ecosystem for people to build on because It needs to be easy for Builders or else There's nothing for people to be drawn By no users are going to show up But then it also needs to be easy enough For users to use you can't just be a Builder focused ecosystem either and That's really hard to accomplish and I Think that's in a way putting the Technology decisions aside Because there's a lot of similarities Between all the different chains out

There in that front Nowadays at least what polygon has done Really well is bringing both of those Things together making it easy enough For users to use the things but being Focused enough on builders that there Are things to use and incubating Mostly the right things you know Obviously that's subjective but Incubating mostly the right things in in Their space and not ignoring Things like identity and wallets and Things for the future that some other Chains might be ignoring a little bit Governance is the one they're going to Have to really solve in my opinion Making people feel confident in the Future of governance on polygon which is Where people have had question marks in The past you know I have to trust Validators is that still the case is Everything run by a multi-sig is that Still the case how do you defend against All these different attack vectors so It's not always a yeah they're 100 Percent Ready to go everything's perfect it's a Work in progress but And then let's let's talk about your Thoughts for the future of polygons say Five years where's polygon going to be Or maybe like where is like L2 ecosystem As a whole but specifically polygon I Personally believe that we are trending

In the direction of Ethereum Looking architecturally not so Dissimilar to what Polygon is trying to deal with with Polygon 2.0 And I think we're moving in a direction Where there's a pun intended consensus Amongst all of these different projects In the evm space around here's the Protocol design stack that is Interoperable pretty much universally Between all these different Flavors and projects and protocols and You start to have this really connected Um and diverse set of evm compatible You could call them Um you know zkevms you call them what You want but compatible networks that Are deeply deeply deeply connected to Each other and it needs to be in a way That people don't know What's happening behind the scenes just Like you know you and I were talking on A you know a video chat platform You and I don't really care all that Much what's happening behind the scenes You know of course I might think about It because that's the way my brain works But most people don't care and I think That that's ultimately where in five Years to be honest five years is a light Year in crypto it's a light year in Technology in five years if we haven't

Gotten to the point where the average User you know my mom or my son who will Be six years old or whatever you know if They can't use this stuff without having To be super technical then I think we We've failed and I and I think that That's what polygon and ethereum and a Lot of these other chains are really Focused on how do we get to that point So I'll be optimistic and say that's Where we are one wallet Account abstraction You can do all these cool things in your Digital economy Without knowing whether you're using Polygon or ethereum or One of the l2s You sound bullish I like that Polygon price prediction Oh shoot and that's the hardest question If I had the answer to that question for Real then I would be like on a beach Somewhere and not caring about working But I think For me it is conceivable to say that You know five years it's an impossible Prediction but in this next let's say This next phase of we get polygon 2.0 we Get Some degree of sense back into the space With regard to regulatory chaos and all The lawsuits and all the like turmoil Maybe Bitcoin wakes up and starts doing What we think it's going to do with the

Having I don't think it's unreasonable to say That polygon doesn't make its way back To To all-time high from previous and That's a really hard feat to accomplish For an altcoin to be honest because if You look at history The Bull and Bear Cycles most altcoins That drop 90 drop 80 percent Even 50 never touch that spot ever again And so I think that that's the highest Praise you can give an altcoin which is I think it could make its way back to Its all-time high beyond that it's Really hard to predict and even that is A probability dice roll I like it you keep things real base case In your opinion and nobody knows the Future back to all-time high at least I Like that ashoshi thank you for joining Us today Sure thanks


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