Coin Bureau Crypto Predictions 2023: My TOP 10 LIST!!

Well folks 2022 has arguably been the Craziest year in crypto so far large Altcoins going to zero crypto companies Going bankrupt and nine figure hacks are Just a few of the headlines many of us Would love to forget the unprecedented Series of events we've seen over the Last few months alone has almost Everyone wondering what 2023 has in Store and whether it will be bullish or Bearish for the crypto market so today I'm going to give you my top 10 Cryptocurrency predictions for 2023 Explain why they're likely to occur and Tell you exactly how they could affect The crypto Market this is a video you Cannot miss Okay let's get straight into it my first Crypto prediction for 2023 is that the Crypto Market will start to recover now To be clear I'm not saying the crypto Bull market will come back however I am Quite confident that the worst of the Crypto bear Market will be behind us by The end of next year if you watched our Recent video on when the crypto bear Market could end and how low it could go You'll know that the bottom will likely Come sometime in the first quarter of Next year but the bottom for BTC could Be 10K or slightly lower and that most Altcoins could therefore Fall by another 60 to 80 percent The main reason why the crypto bear

Market could bottom in the first quarter Next year is because this is when the Federal Reserve is expected to stop Raising interest rates now it's Important to note that stopping is not The same as lowering but it will likely Be enough to prevent crypto from Crashing further The main reason why the bottom for BTC Could be 10K or slightly lower is Because the stock market has yet to find Its bottom and the crypto Market is Highly correlated to the stock market The stock market is expected to drop by Another 20 to 30 percent which would Translate to a forty to sixty percent Drop in btc's price now it's important To stress that BTC could flash crash Lower than 10K I suspect this would be due to a Crypto-specific factor such as a Bitcoin Mining ban due to energy shortages Mount Gox creditors selling the BTC they'll Start receiving in January and of course A deadly combination of liquidations and Low liquidity if recent events didn't Make it clear enough it is absolutely Imperative that you keep any crypto You're not actively trading on your own Personal crypto wallet as we approach The true bear Market lows you can check Out my deals page using the link in the Description to get discounts on the best Ones

My second crypto prediction for 2023 is That the Securities and Exchange Commission or SEC will crack down on Another big crypto project or company Knowing how horrible this year has been I wouldn't be surprised if it happened Between the time I shoot this video and The time you see it let's hope not In any case another Crackdown seems Extremely likely so long as Gary Gensler Continues to be the chairman of the SEC Gary's term won't expire until 2026 so There's lots of time for him to do Damage this assumes that he won't be Expelled from the SEC for his close Encounters with Sam bankman freed more About that in the description moving on Now if you've been keeping up with our SEC updates you'll know that the Criteria the regulator has been using to Crack down on cryptocurrency haven't Been entirely clear these opaque Criteria can be summed up as a Subjective interpretation of the fourth Part of the Howie test to recap the Howie test is used to assess whether an Asset is a security such as a stock in a Company that requires additional Regulation from the SEC the fourth part Of the Harry test is the most relevant To crypto can you identify a third party That is creating an expectation of Profit for a coin or token the harsh Reality is that the answer is yes for

Most cryptocurrencies including some of The largest altcoins I dare not name any Names but it's somewhat irrelevant Because Gary has made it clear that no Cryptocurrency is safe besides BTC he's Even targeted stable coins which makes No sense Now what this means is that every Cryptocurrency besides BTC is a Potential Target because almost every Single crypto exchange and platform Offers cryptocurrencies other than BTC This logically means that they are all Potential targets too so a first quarter Crackdown could be a catalyst for crypto Lows now my third crypto prediction for 2023 is that there will be lots of Crypto regulations now most of these Regulations will probably be very good But a few will probably be very bad also It's very likely that crypto regulations Will vary from region to region despite Attempts to create Global crypto rules If you watched our video about the European Union's markets in crypto Assets or Mica you'll know that the Finalized regulations will be released Sometime early next year although they Won't be coming into Force for another One to two years after that they will Give institutional investors regulatory Clarity for crypto in case you missed The memo the absence of regulatory Clarity is the primary reason why

Institutions have been hesitant to Invest in crypto especially altcoins the Establishment of regulatory Clarity in The EU and elsewhere could therefore Result in lots of inflows and contribute To a q1 recovery for crypto more Importantly crypto regulations will Effectively Force crypto projects to Decentralize This is because the only way to avoid Many of these regulations will be to be Decentralized from top to bottom you can Find out what that means by checking out Our video using the link in the Description anyways I'll reiterate that Some of these crypto regulations are Likely to be very bad The worst regulations are likely to be In relation to things like payments defy And privacy possibly even self-custody That's because all of these niches are a Threat to the traditional Financial System the thing is that the crypto Industry is likely to significantly grow Thanks to good regulations with some Luck this increase in adoption and Capital will make it possible for the Crypto industry to Lobby to remove the Bad regulations Consider that powerful individuals and Institutions want privacy the most my Fourth crypto prediction for 2023 is That defy will go mainstream this will Be due to a combination of better front

Ends regulatory Clarity increasing Liquidity proof of resiliency from some D5 protocols which will increase trust In defy and a decline in Trust of Centralized entities in the crypto Industry the caveat is that bad crypto Regulations could slow the adoption of D5 so far however it looks like defy has Been left out of most crypto regulations So long as the protocols are truly Decentralized thankfully most of the Largest D5 Protocols are in fact truly Decentralized notably those on ethereum Most of the largest D5 protocols on Ethereum have also been tested by Institutions in permissioned Environments namely Ave this is very Interesting because Defy is technically A direct competitor to the traditional Financial system as it makes it possible To trade borrow lend and Save Call me crazy but I think the Institutional adoption of Defy is Inevitable this is because many Institutions have acknowledged that the Advent of new technologies such as Blockchain means there will be a race to The bottom in terms of transaction fees And settlement times I'll never forget What SCC chairman Gary Gensler said in His cryptocurrency course which you can Find here on YouTube the goal of Entities in the traditional Financial System is to extract rents charge fees

Wherever they can this begs the question Of what they will do now that this model Is falling apart well the answer is that They will start buying smart contract Cryptocurrencies with proof of stake Consensus mechanisms to ensure they Maintain control of these new payment Networks and continue to extract rents This hasn't happened yet but could start Soon now that asset managers are getting Involved food for thought my fifth Crypto prediction for 2023 relates to The third and that's the crypto payments Will become more common this will again Be due to a combination of better front Ends regulatory Clarity increasing Liquidity and most importantly an Increase in scalability that finally Makes crypto payments feasible This prediction comes from a series of Headlines I saw over the summer about Ethereum founder vitalik buteran saying How layer twos on ethereum will power Crypto payments this makes sense given That ethereum is the most secure base Layer to have for a payment system Besides Bitcoin moreover developers will Be implementing ethereum Improvement Proposal or EIP number 4844 sometime Next summer For those unfamiliar eip-4844 will Increase the scalability of layer 2s on Ethereum by between 10 and 100x Given that most layer 2's already

Process thousands of TPS such an Increase will put them on a par with Visa if that didn't make it clear enough It's very likely that layer twos on Ethereum will be Ground Zero for crypto Payments once eip-4844 is implemented Now this doesn't mean that other smart Contract cryptocurrencies won't play a Role but it's more than likely they'll Have to find their own niches the catch Is that an increase in crypto payments Could lead to more regulatory scrutiny My greatest fear is that Regulators will Eventually require you to complete kyc If you want to use stable coins on a Smart contract cryptocurrency like Ethereum this has been mentioned by a Few Regulators already the scariest part About this possibility is that it would Be easy to implement since the larger Stable coins are centrally controlled The Silver Lining is that a kyc Crackdown on payments would drive Innovation in the decentralized Stablecoin niche and it looks like some D5 Protocols are ahead of the curve so To speak My sixth crypto prediction for 2023 is That the number of crypto holders will Increase significantly for context Crypto adoption currently stands at Around four percent of the global Population This isn't much but the growth has been

Exponential and there are many reasons Why this trend will continue next year For starters lots of platforms have been Integrating crypto features most notable Are Facebook and Instagram which have Been testing nfts on multiple smart Contract cryptocurrencies even Starbucks Has been working on nft loyalty and Member programs on polygon not only that But free speech focused social media Platforms like Telegram and Signal have Been integrating crypto features with Toncoin and mobile coin respectively All these companies have billions of Users combined even just a small Percentage of crypto adoption by their Users would be significant now if you Watched our video about dap Radar's Report on GameFly and metaverse niches You'll know that there are three reasons Why people adopt crypto because of Speculation AKA profit because of Necessity and just for fun obviously There isn't going to be too much Speculative adoption in 2023 This leaves out of necessity and just For fun Well most of the crypto adoption next Year is likely to be driven by just for Fun factors such as those I just Mentioned there could be a surge in Necessity related crypto adoption this Is simply because many countries are on The brink of collapse due to economic

Social and or political issues we've Already seen a few of them fall such as Sri Lanka when Financial systems fail Cash and crypto will be the only options Especially as foreign currencies fall Against the US dollar If we're being honest though given the State of modern society crypto adoption Will probably take off because of a Viral Tick-Tock video so let's just hope It's one of mine Now my seventh crypto prediction for 2023 ties into the fifth and that's that At least one additional country will Adopt BTC as legal tender Tonga is at The top of the list here since the Island nation announced that it will be Making BTC legal tender sometime in 2023 And begin mining BTC with volcanoes now If you watched our video about the Countries that are most likely to adopt Crypto you'll know that the predications For this are a lack of financial Infrastructure a Reliance on remittance Payments and the use of a foreign Currency whose monetary policy cannot be Controlled such as the US dollar These reasons are essentially why El Salvador adopted BTC as legal tender in September last year it's also why some Latin American countries are the most Likely to follow suit it's even why the Central African Republic adopted BTC as Legal tender earlier this year it uses

The Central African CFA Franc look it up Now to clarify adopting BTC as legal Tender doesn't mean that the countries In question will ditch their National Currencies it's more than likely they'll Continue to use their National Currencies alongside BTC assuming there Isn't a total collapse of the financial System that is it's also possible that Some countries will adopt cryptocurrency Alongside a new Central Bank digital Currency or cbdc now this seems unlikely Given that the two digital currencies Are diametrically opposed but it's Something that has been hinted at in Various reports including one from Harvard more about that in the Description Anyhow if my first prediction about the Crypto Market beginning to recover by The end of next year is correct then It's quite likely we will see another Country adopt BTC as legal tender this Is just because they will see along with Everyone who's been paying attention That another crypto cycle is starting My eighth crypto prediction for 2023 Ties into the previous two and that's The big tech companies will continue to Announce crypto Integrations like the Countries that could adopt BTC big Tech Giants are ultimately adopting crypto Because they're losing money and are Trying to find ways to plug the hole

Some of you may recall that Tech giants Like apple and Amazon were hiring for Crypto related positions over the last Couple of years or so Now we've yet to see any meaningful Crypto developments from them or the Other big tech companies with similar Job openings but those could all come Sometime next year Twitter is at the top of the list here Because owner Elon Musk has made it Clear that he intends to integrate Crypto features on the platform Right now he seems to be in the process Of balancing free speech and censorship In the face of government scrutiny However the crypto aspects could come in 2023 regardless it's clear that this is The direction that big Tech is moving The aforementioned crypto adoption by Facebook Instagram and others will Almost certainly Inspire the rest of big Tech to do the same on that note it's Possible that big Tech adoption of Crypto could be related to the metaverse This is because literally nobody is a Fan of the centralized metaverses that Big tech companies like meta have Created they know that they're nothing More than a means of extracting even More data that will be sold to Advertisers and shared with governments That are obsessed with surveillance and Censorship this is why I think meta and

Others will eventually understand that The only way they can make money on this New technology is to integrate with Decentralized Alternatives that already Exist Big text role will likely involve Providing hardware and access points That enhance user experience My ninth crypto prediction for 2023 is That the wolves on Wall Street will Acquire at least one blue chip crypto Company this prediction is highly likely To come true given that Goldman Sachs And others are interested in buying up a Few subsidiaries of FTX that remain Solvent it's not just FTX either there Are lots of other crypto exchanges and Platforms that have gone bankrupt over The last year Celsius blockfi and Voyager digital are easy examples and It's possible if not likely that some of Their business assets will be acquired By a Trad fire institution looking to Offer crypto Services there's even Speculation that coinbase could be Acquired by a mega Bank like JP Morgan As Masari CEO Ryan selkis pointed out This is unlikely to happen given Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong's Controlling shares in the company but It's still within the Realms of Possibility this is because the Potential collapse of troubled crypto Companies in the United States like

Digital currency group grayscale and Genesis trading could have knock-on Effects for coinbase Coinbase is also involved with usdc Issue a circle which posted a Surprisingly small profit in Q3 this Year as a cherry on top both coinbase And circle are in the crosshairs of the SEC Regulatory action against one or both Companies could cause coinbase's stock To collapse even further than it already Has if coinbase stock goes low enough There's a scenario wherein a takeover of Some kind could occur after all coinbase Is the largest cryptocurrency Exchange In the US and the big banks on Wall Street have been watching billions of Dollars flow from their accounts onto The exchange over the last two years They've also seen how much money Coinbase can make and probably also how Much data it can gather my 10th crypto Prediction for 2023 is that BTC will Start being used for international trade It's possible that some countries such As Iran are using BTC for this already Iran has not yet confirmed whether it's Using BTC however there are other Countries that have signaled their Interest naturally most of the countries That are interested in using BTC for International trade are those that have Faced sanctions or scrutiny from the

United States and its allies This list was once restricted to a few Rogue actors but it's quickly expanding As we enter a so-called multi-polar World at one pole we have the United States and its allies and at the other Pole we have the brics Brazil Russia India China and South Africa plus their Allies as some of you might have seen The bricks are reportedly working on Their own Reserve currency which will be A combination of their existing Currencies now this sounds intimidating On paper but in practice the tensions Between some brics members are high and There are likely to be disputes about What proportion of which currencies will Back their Reserve currency it's also Possible that other significant Countries like Saudi Arabia will join The mix speaking of which Saudi Arabia Looks like it will be legalizing Cryptocurrency sometime next year Hong Kong will also be easing crypto Restrictions and Russia appears to be Working on crypto legislation This apparent crypto adoption by the Bricks could see them add BTC to their Reserve currency basket now considering The track records of some of these Countries you might be inclined to say That's a bad thing well to that I say Remember that some of the first people To adopt BTC weren't all that appetizing

Either Once it becomes clear that BTC is a Viable option naughty Nations won't be The only ones adopting it however when That Tipping Point occurs we'll see what Fidelity has called bitcoin's quote very High stakes Game Theory wherein Countries will rapidly adopt BTC at that Point I predict that countries will Start mining BTC to ensure the Bitcoin Blockchain remains credibly neutral but That folks is a prediction for another Year [Music]


Coinbase is a popular cryptocurrency exchange. It makes it easy to buy, sell, and exchange cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. Coinbase also has a brokerage service that makes it easy to buy Bitcoin as easily as buying stocks through an online broker. However, Coinbase can be expensive due to the fees it charges and its poor customer service.

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