The WEF Wants To Take Your Job!! This Report Is CRAZY!!

Almost a quarter of all jobs will be Disrupted over the next five years this Is according to the world economic Forum Or wefts latest Future of jobs report Which predicts that AI will eliminate Tens of millions of jobs according to Weft Chairman Klaus Schwab's top advisor This will create a quote useless class Of humans and it begs the question of What the weft plans to do about it today I'm going to summarize the most Important parts of the wefts jobs report Reveal which jobs are most at risk of Disruption and tell you who the useless Class of humans really are The report I'll be summarizing today is Titled quote future of jobs report 2023. It was published by the wef earlier this Month and I'll leave a link to the full Report in the description it's almost 300 pages long and not a good time for This hence why I'll only be summarizing The most important parts Now the report begins with a disclaimer That the data and findings may not be Entirely accurate this is an Understatement given that many of the Wefts predictions and projects have Failed to stand the test of time a great Example was the idea that by 2020 Bitcoin would be consuming more energy Than the whole world was in 2017. that Age dwell didn't it Klaus Now the authors then pivot to the

Preface wherein wef managing director Saudia zahidi reveals that the weft has Been publishing these biannual jobs Reports since 2016. this is Coincidentally when Yuval Noah Harari Klaus Schwab's aforementioned top Advisor first said that many humans will Soon be useless in any case Sadia Explains that this jobs report was put Together with the input of over 800 Companies operating in 27 different Countries it also included feedback from Online courses site Coursera online job Site indeed and jobs-focused social Media site LinkedIn totally not biased At all Sadia finishes by saying that she hopes This report will help bring the weft one Step closer to achieving its quote Ambitious multi-stakeholder agenda for Context stakeholders is the term the Weft uses to refer to powerful Individuals and institutions that are a Part of the club not regular folks like Us Saudia also used some interesting Wording in her outro She said that she hopes the report will Help stakeholders navigate quote social Environmental and technological Transitions this is interesting because I was expecting to see social Environmental and governance or ESG the Investment ideology if you watched our Recent video about the eu's upcoming ESG

Regulations you'll know that the weft Has been pushing ESG in the private Sector you'll also know that the G in ESG basically means control saudia's use Of technology in place of governance Therefore suggests technology will be Used for control conspiracies aside the Authors go on to provide a short list of Key findings now normally I'd skip this Section but I've read through enough Weft reports to know that what they note In the summaries and the text can be a Bit different this might be because the Authors know that most people won't read Past the intro bit Regardless the authors highlight a Couple of dozen key findings first the Report contains the broadest data set so Far second there will be Divergent Trends in the labor market meaning some Regions will do better than others Third technology will transform business The authors include ESG compliance here Fourth the environment and the economy Will both create and Destroy jobs more ESG stuff here fifth companies Specifically 75 of them will adopt AI Technologies recall this is for the next Five years Sixth AI will initially have a positive Impact on job growth and productivity Finally something positive Funnily enough the seventh key finding Is negative though 23 percent of jobs

Will experience quote churn meaning People either leaving being hired or new Jobs being created the authors estimate That the total number of jobs will Decline by two percent at least based on The data from their questionable Participant pool the eighth finding is Fascinating automation will be Integrated at a much slower Pace than Expected only one percent of existing Jobs will be replaced by robots over the Next five years the ninth finding is Fivefold it breaks down the sectors that Will gain or lose the most jobs due to Technology and macro Trends the sectors With the most job gains will be those Related to technology and sustainability Education Agriculture and commerce will Also grow significantly the sectors with The most job losses will be those Related to customer service traditional Security Factory and commerce will also Shrink significantly on that note you Should know that the wefts obsession With technology is ultimately because They know they do not have the physical Manpower to control the population the Only option is to digitize everything And control us that way you can bet That's what's going to replace Traditional security more about the Wefts plans and how to resist them using The link in the description I digress Now the tenth finding is that analytical

And creative thinking will continue to Be the most important skill for the Average worker the 11th finding is that Almost half of the skills considered Valuable today will be Irrelevant in Half a decade the 12th finding is that Retraining will be Out Of Reach for many The 13th finding is that the most Important skills aren't always Recognized by companies the 14th finding Is that companies will have trouble Hiring and keeping people you don't say The 15th finding is that companies will Likely turn to automation because of This the 16th finding is that companies Overwhelmingly prioritize women young People and disabled people in their Hiring processes and the final finding Is that half of businesses want Government subsidies to retrain their Workforces they even want the government To subsidize their employees wages Doesn't sound like capitalism to me Anyways in the first part of the report The authors give an overview of the jobs Market they start by saying that the Last three years have resulted in Significant changes and volatility note That the weft started its great reset Initiative when the pandemic began in 2020 I'm sure that's just another Coincidence Now the authors note that the pandemic Restrictions caused a massive spike in

Unemployment whereas unemployment in the Developed world has since come down Unemployment in the developing World Remains high they give the example of South Africa which has a 30 percent Unemployment rate they attribute the Discrepancy in recovery to the inability Of developing countries to employ the Same kind of fiscal and monetary Policies as developed countries what's Scary is that the reshoring of Supply Chains and the use of AI could mean that Unemployment stays high in developing Countries by contrast Western countries Are facing labor shortages in many Sectors particularly those that were on The front lines during the pandemic as a Result businesses in these sectors have Been scrambling to do everything they Can to retrain their employees but they Are apparently failing in this Unfortunately women and young people Experience the greatest losses in Employment during the pandemic this is Likely due to the over-representation of Women and young people in the services Industry which was hit the hardest by The pandemic restrictions that's putting It very lightly To offset this arguably unnecessary Damage quote almost 3900 social Protection measures were implemented Across 223 economies to support the Labor force impacted by the pandemic

These measures are estimated to have Reached close to 1.2 billion people Globally that's a lot of stimmies And the authors seem to suggest that Governments should continue these Stimulative programs in a more targeted Manner they also note that over 2 Billion people work in informal jobs This accounts for 70 of the population Of developing countries and almost 20 Percent in developed countries not Surprisingly the real wages of workers Worldwide fell for the first time in Over 15 years as a result of all the Inflation caused by pandemic stimulus And supply chain disruptions Europeans Saw the greatest loss in purchasing Power but Africa was the most affected Almost 100 million people fell into Poverty if you watched our video about China's economic reopening you'll know That the virus was already on every Continent by the end of 2019 due to the Wuhan military Olympic games from October it's crazy to think how much Damage was done in the name of Containing something that was already For three now when it comes to worker Preferences the authors found that over A third of employees are planning on Leaving their jobs in the next two years And almost half are open to New Opportunities the number one reason for This is that employees don't feel their

Income is keeping up with inflation Almost 70 percent of gen Zed workers Also don't like the lack of diversity And inclusion at their company Not sure that's the most pressing thing Facing the world right now but hey it's Their opinion Oddly enough the authors call on Regulators to reign in generative AI as Quickly as possible but also ensure that It's adaptable enough to cover all the New AI use cases being discovered by the Private sector why do I have the feeling That all these AI models will have the Same values as the weft elites Anyhow the second part of the report Unpacks the quote drivers of Labor Market transformation the authors start By saying that ESG is creating new Opportunities but claim that quote these Positive drivers are offset by growing Geo-economic tensions and a cost of Living crisis now this is ironic Considering that ESG policies have been Causing these issues the E has resulted In energy shortages the S has resulted In hiring people based on things other Than Merit and the g has resulted in Intense top-down control the end result Is inefficiencies and shortages that Cause inflation and conflict speaking of Which the authors note that 80 percent Of respondents cited ESG as one of the Macro trends that will change their

Business in the next five years Meanwhile in the real economy Institutions are opting out of ESG Because they've realized that it results In losses when BlackRock isn't giving Them printed money make no mistake Without the ability to print money out Of thin air ESG would not exist Naturally the authors are unable to draw The connection between ESG and the Slower economic growth supply shortages And rising cost of living which they say Will cause most of the projected job Losses they also say that the pandemic Will be a contributing factor the Pandemic was over as of the 5th of May By the way Unless of course they're talking about The so-called cyber pandemic the weft Has been warning about since the start Of the actual pandemic more about the Wefts Cyber attack simulation using the Link in the description moving on Now the authors then finally provide Some objectively useful data with the Infographic as you can see it highlights Which countries will have the most Geopolitical divisions the most Localized Supply chains and will Experience supply shortages the top Countries are the Philippines the UAE And Vietnam respectively After talking about how the so-called Green transition will result in lots of

New jobs thanks to trillions of dollars Of printed money the authors pay homage To the wefts fourth Industrial Revolution they say that it has been the Driver of technological change in Business which is certainly news to me Obviously AI is one of the cornerstones Of the fourth Industrial Revolution as Is robotics the authors lament the fact That not as many humans have been Replaced by robots as they had Previously projected however they're Confident that AI will do the trick over The next five years To be exact they believe that 15 of all Job tasks will be automated by AI come 2027 and believe this figure could rise As high as 50 if the factual Inaccuracies of AI are addressed this Begs the question of who will teach AI To tell the facts the answer is probably The wefts stakeholders namely Microsoft Now the third part of the report Pertains to the outlook for jobs in General the authors start by reiterating That almost a quarter of the global Workforce will experience churn which They call quote the pace of a Reallocation of workers and jobs Ah yes reallocating workers just like Commodities Here you can see the industries that Will experience the highest levels of Churn over the next five years the list

Is surprising to say the least in first Place we have media entertainment and Sports in second place we have Government and public sector and in Third place we have it and digital Communications Here you can see which jobs will see the Biggest increases and the biggest losses The three biggest gainers will be AI Sustainability and business intelligence The three biggest losers will be bank Tellers Postal Service clerks and Cashiers I reckon this assumes we get The cashless Society the weft ones Here you can see where the demand for Social jobs is highest in different Countries logically social Jobs means Any jobs where you still work face to Face with people something else the weft Also seems to want to phase out France Ireland and Belgium are all very Low on care education and healthcare Workers Now this ties into the fourth part of The report which is about the skills That future workers will need in five Years time the authors start by Assessing the skills that workers need Today as mentioned earlier the skills Employers look for the most are Analytical thinking creative thinking And flexibility Yeah still got it And with a sense of humor like that AI

Should replace me within the next five To ten minutes Anyway the top three skills that workers Will need in the coming years are again Creative thinking and flexibility but The third most important skill will be Technological literacy flexibility only Comes in fifth place after curiosity Something tells me the weft doesn't want People to be too curious though To their credit the authors then point Out that these projected future skills Are inconsistent with the jobs that are Highly in demand today and will continue To be tomorrow these jobs are mostly Physical and include jobs in sectors Like healthcare food production Mining And Manufacturing in terms of Re-skilling that is employee training The top skills employers are trying to Improve are again analytical thinking And creative thinking followed by Ai and Big Data leadership and quote social Influence I can't help but be reminded Here of the wefts young global leaders And Global Shapers more about them in Our video down below but back to AI now What you see here are the industries That are prioritizing AI training for Their employees believe it or not but The industry prioritizing AI training The most is insurance and pension Management At the other end of the spectrum

Meanwhile you have accommodation food And Leisure which makes sense now this Relates to the fifth part of the report And that's quote Workforce strategies The authors start by underscoring the Barriers to business transformation the Biggest ones are gaps in skills and Inability to attract talent and Regulations these are presumably holding Back the fourth Industrial Revolution Good Now to address these barriers companies Are investing heavily in training Employees and automating as many of Their processes as possible they're also Going to focus on developing and Retaining their existing workforces Rather than hiring new people weft Stakeholders eh what else did you expect Snarky comments aside what's cool is That the authors showcase how long it Takes to hire for certain jobs in Different countries it looks like Medical information jobs in Ireland are Filled the fastest while medical Technician jobs in Italy can take over a Year to fill Note how these are all physical jobs Besides that there's not much else to Note the fifth part of the report Finishes with a discussion about how Companies are focusing their hiring on Diversity and inclusion criteria instead Of Merit and the conclusion talks about

How businesses face self-imposed Challenges to employee hiring and Retention And now for the big question who are the Useless humans the wefts advisors keep Talking about well from where I'm Standing it looks like the useless Humans are those forcing their illogical Policies on the global population Some would say that's worse than being Useless others would say it's pure evil In case it wasn't clear enough the weft Cares a lot about jobs but not so much About the people that do them this makes Sense given that the organization's Focus is to create economic growth at All costs probably because it's the only Thing that will keep this debt-driven Fiat Ponzi scheme going if a quarter of All working people must see their jobs Disrupted or lost in the name of this Economic growth then so be it at no Point does the weft stop and ask whether The average employee wants to be working From a metaverse office or if the Average pupil wants to be learning while Sitting in front of a screen it reminds Me of something macro analyst Mike Green Once said and that's that the average Person doesn't care about economic Growth what the average person cares About is that their living standard Increases or at least doesn't get worse And this isn't always dependent on

Economic growth This is what makes the wefts various Initiatives so Sinister not only do they Call for economic growth at all costs But they simultaneously call for the Average person's living standards to be Reduced they say this based on the Assumption that the world would quickly Run out of resources if everyone lived Well If you watched our video about the Ongoing population decline you'll know That this scarcity philosophy first Became popular in the late 1960s you'll Also know that it's been invalidated Time and time again innovation has Managed to create more food more shelter And more wealth for everyone every time The weft doesn't like that and I think I Know why it's the same reason why the Chinese Communist party doesn't want its Population to become middle-class Consumers you and me the useless class We are the greatest threats to the People in power the influence we gain is The influence they lose case in point The weft and its stakeholders are Obsessed with Technologies such as Ai And automation that result in the Average person losing power at the same Time they actively decry technologies That result in the average person Gaining power such as actual Cryptocurrencies and clean nuclear

Energy Now the good news is that the wefts own Projections have been about as accurate As all the doomsday predictions that Inspire them the bad news is that lots Of people have drunk the Kool-Aid when It comes to genuine issues such as the Environment and this has already Inflicted immense harm on humankind the Silver Lining is that so long as Information continues to flow more and More people will become aware of what The weft is up to and oppose its Policies if we succeed then in 2027 There will be more jobs than there are Today and the standard of living for the Average person will be better than ever That sounds a whole lot better than the Wefts plans doesn't it And that's all for today's video if you Found it as inflammatory as I did Smash That like button if you want to make Sure you don't miss the next one Subscribe to the channel and ping that Notification Bell Also take a second to share it if you Think others should see it too and if You happen to be into crypto you should Check out the coin Bureau deals page It's got dozens of discounts on crypto Products and services and thousands of Dollars of trading incentives on the top Crypto exchanges you can find your way There using the link in the description

Thank you all for watching and I'll see You next time


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