Is AI Going To Take YOUR JOB!? Report You HAVE To SEE!!

Is AI coming for your job When openai released chat GPT last November it became apparent that it will Have a profound impact on work late last Month open AI co-authored a study with Top academics which addresses this Existential question of whether AI will Displace many workers they found that Almost 80 percent of jobs could be Affected by AI in some way very soon So today I'm going to summarize this Study and explain why you probably won't Be losing your job to AI yet make no Mistake folks you don't want to miss This one The study I'll be summarizing today is Titled quote gpts are gpts an early look At the labor market impact potential of Large language models it was published To Cornell University's open source Study website arvix in mid-march and I'll leave a link to the full study in The description if you're interested Now the study begins with a brief Introduction wherein the authors Acknowledge that AI has been evolving Exponentially over the last few years Specifically generative Ai and large Language models or llms they explain That generative pre-trained Transformers Or gpts fall under the llm umbrella the Authors also explain that generative AI Refers to llms which have the ability to Generate text and code including images

And audio They note that they will use gpts and Llms interchangeably throughout the Study I will note that I'll just refer To both as AI unless I'm quoting the Authors speaking of which quote llms can Process and produce various forms of Sequential data including Assembly Language protein sequences and chess Games extending Beyond natural language Applications alone in other words AI can Do much more than just make images Videos and text The authors go on to explain that the Impact of AI ultimately depends on its Adoption and integration which makes Sense AI could have the potential to Replace everyone's job but it wouldn't Matter if the AI is unavailable or Nobody knows how to use it I reckon the Learning alone will take some time in Any case the authors then reveal their Key finding which I mentioned in the Introduction quote Our analysis indicates that Approximately 19 of jobs have at least 50 percent of their tasks exposed when Considering both current model Capabilities and anticipated tools built Upon them put simply AI could do half of The workload for about 20 percent of Jobs which is truly disruptive The authors also note that when you Factor in other types of AI this

Statistic could be as high as 50 percent So put differently AI could do half of The workload for 50 of jobs which means That 25 of all human jobs could be lost The craziest part is that the authors Found that the jobs which are most at Risk of being disrupted by AI are those That pay the most they note that this is Contrary to what most people expected Before AI went mainstream the thinking Went that AI would replace the lower Level jobs not the higher level ones Obviously the high level jobs at risk Are those that involve any kind of Coding or writing conversely any High-level jobs related to science and Critical thinking are the least at risk Obviously jobs in Industries like Manufacturing mining agriculture Etc are The least at risk overall due to the Physical work involved what's Interesting is that the growth of AI Apparently has no correlation with Productivity growth the authors believe This won't last for long meaning that AI Could make everyone and everything more Productive the outcome of this could Potentially offset the job losses Associated with AI in some way note that You can learn more about openai the Creator of chat gbt using the link in The description I digress The second part of the study gives an Overview of existing literature I.E

Existing research about the subject the Authors start by reiterating that the Evolution of AI has gone exponential Over the last few years They acknowledge that most AI is Designed for specific tasks but note That this is changing The authors argue that the concerns Around inaccuracies and bias in AI Responses are largely irrelevant because Eventually people will be able to Customize AI to their liking for example Someone could modify chat GPT so that it Gives them unfiltered answers to Questions which is what Reddit did with Chat gpt3 the authors explain that ai's Ability to write computer code means That even people with no coding Experience will have the capacity to Create new kinds of AI and new use cases For it this will add to the adoption and Integration of AI of course this will Come with a long list of risks including Risks to jobs the authors go on to Repeat how most of the existing AI Literature assumed that jobs with Repetitive low skill tasks would be the First to be replaced by AI although it's Clear this isn't the case the authors Say it's unlikely and and AI will be Able to do the entirety of any job there Will always be a need for human input This relates to the third part of the Study which is the methodology the

Authors used a data set which includes Information about over 1 000 different Occupations They specify that they analyze the Impact of AI on over nineteen thousand General tasks and over 2 000 job Specific tasks what's cool is the Authors provide a small sample of the Occupations and tasks in a table The occupations listed include quote Gambling cage workers which I've Honestly never heard of clearly I've Been living far too shelters in Existence Now the job specific task these folks do Is financial transactions and the General tasks include caching checks This begs the question of how the Authors assess the effects of AI on These General and specific tasks the Answer is if an AI can quote reduce the Time required for a human to perform a Specific task or complete a general task By at least 50 percent They refer to this Benchmark as quote Exposure the authors then outline the Three possible effects that AI could Have on a job the first is no exposure AKA no effect the second is direct Exposure I.E 50 or more and the third is Indirect exposure I.E less than 50 Percent The authors admit that the 50 threshold Is arbitrary and chosen for Simplicity

Now if I understand correctly the Authors asked human participants if Job-related tasks could be done by Ai And also use chat GPT to see if it could Perform the job-related tasks what's Wild is that the human estimates aligned With chat gpt's abilities though it Seems that the authors adjusted chat Gpt's responses alternatively it could Be because the human participants in the Study happen to be experts in AI The authors note this as one of the Limitations of the study they admit that AI experts may not have the best Understanding of just how much AI could Impact say jobs Rich require you to work Physically This ties into the fourth part of the Study which is the detailed results the Authors commence by conceding that they Can't possibly know for sure how AI will Affect jobs they also concede that they Can't possibly model the impacts that AI Could have on other factors which could In turn affect jobs With that said they State quote our Findings suggest that based on their Task level capabilities llms have the Potential to significantly affect a Diverse range of occupations within the US economy demonstrating a key attribute Of general purpose Technologies In other words no job is safe The authors then break down their

Findings with a series of statistics for Starters 15 of tasks in any job could be Replaced by AI on average again 50 of Tasks in 20 of jobs could be replaced by AI For the remaining 80 of jobs only 10 Percent of associated tasks could be Replaced by AI the authors provide an Important caveat however first off it's Likely that most of the tasks done by AI Will still require human oversight Logically as AI gets better there will Be a decreasing need for this human Oversight but the authors believe that Humans will simultaneously learn how to Use AI better in terms of the skills That will be harder for AI to replace You'll recall that science and critical Thinking are not very exposed to AI Whereas programming and writing are What's frustrating is that the authors Don't specify exactly which jobs would Be safe from AI they only explain which Ones are at risk later for what it's Worth the author's break down things by Job zone now this taxonomy was developed By the same team which created the data Set used in the study job zones Basically tell you how long it takes to Prepare someone for a job including Previous education Job zones range from one to five Naturally jobs in zone 1 require the Least preparation and jobs in zone 5

Require the most preparation what's Shocking is that jobs in zone 1 are not Exposed at all to AI jobs in zone two Have six percent exposure for zone three It's over ten percent for zone four it's Over 34 and zone 5 is over 26 percent In short the more advanced the job the More likely it is to be disrupted by AI In the words of the authors quote our Analysis suggests that individuals Holding Bachelors Masters and Professional degrees are more exposed to Llms than those without formal education Credentials I suspect this has to do With the types of degrees that people Are getting these days but let's not go There now when it comes to which jobs Will be the most affected by AI the Authors are kind enough to provide a List of occupations that was put Together both by human participants and By chat GPT there's quite a bit of Overlap and here's the full list Interpreters and translators survey Researchers poets lyricists and creative Writers Animal scientists public relations Specialists writers and authors Mathematicians tax preparers Financial Quantitative analysts web and digital Interface designers correspondence Clerks blockchain Engineers court Reporters and simultaneous captioners Accountants and Auditors news analysts

Reporters and journalists legal Secretaries and administrative Assistants clinical data managers and Climate change policy analysts Now if I understand correctly this is an Incomplete list of over 80 occupations To be clear this doesn't mean that AI is Going to replace all these jobs it just Means that AI will be able to do most of The tasks associated with them in the Words of the authors quote Occupations listed in this table are Those where we estimate that gpts and GPT powered software are able to save Workers a significant amount of time Completing a large share of their tasks But it does not necessarily suggest that Their tasks can be fully automated by These Technologies now if you think this Is all Bs the authors fact check Themselves by comparing their results to Similar studies lo and behold it all Checks out they even go as far as to Explain why some comparable studies Didn't show the same results presumably Implying that the findings of this study Are in fact accurate the authors expand On their results in the fifth part of The study which is the discussion they Discuss how the adoption of AI has risen As exponentially as its development ever Since chat gbt was released as a fun Fact the chat bot now holds the record For the fastest rate of tech adoption in

History with over 100 million users The authors accurately point out that Quote the adoption of llms will vary Across different economic sectors due to Factors such as data availability Regulatory environment and the Distribution of power and interests note That Italy recently became the first Country to ban chat gbt over privacy Concerns Regarding ai's implications on American Policy the authors cautioned that the Growth of AI is going to lead to massive Economic disparities that could call for More social safety nets AKA Universal Basic income they dare not admit that This disparity will be between the Technological Elites and everyone else On that note the authors highlight the Fact that the study had many limitations Including the aforementioned one about The human participants all being AI Experts they also recommend that future Researchers consider the impact of AI on Jobs when it's able to see and identify Things like we can the final part of the Study is the conclusion wherein the Authors restate the statistics you'll All be familiar with by now the only one They highlight is quote 19 of jobs have At least 50 percent of their tasks Exposed to llms when considering both Current model capabilities and Anticipated llm-powered software they

Also restate an important point you may Also recall quote while the technical Capacity for llms to make human labor More efficient appears evident it is Important to recognize that social Economic Regulatory and other factors Will influence actual labor productivity Outcomes so this brings me to why you Won't be losing your job to AI anytime Soon the short explanation is that AI is Currently incapable of telling us the Truth about ourselves as individuals and Ourselves as a species this is because AI was designed not to do that and I Don't think that'll be changing anytime Soon what this means is that AI will Continue to be used as nothing more than A tool for the foreseeable future as Both the study and Common Sense suggest Incorporating AI into workflows is Likely to result in increased Productivity and probably even increased Pay until more people learn how to use AI This is where the problems could begin However because I have a feeling that People are going to overestimate just How well AI can do certain tasks for Instance a software developer could Start letting chat GPT write most of his Or her code and then over time become Lazy about checking it for accuracy this Could have devastating consequences for The economy and possibly even for the

Whole planet consider a scenario where Governments start using AI as part of Their climate policy as the authors Alluded to the AI could accidentally Draft a policy that's damaging to the Planet and to people however this all Assumes that governments will allow AI To continue evolving unchecked I believe That's extremely unlikely for two Reasons first governments will not want Every individual and institution to have Access to AI this would create too much Of a risk to their power in their eyes And rightfully so as such we're likely To see severe restrictions on the use of AI possibly to the point that only Governments and a handful of selected Entities are allowed to use it it will Not surprise me in the slightest if we See countries follow Italy's lead in Banning these AIS until these exceptions Are set up The second reason why governments will Not allow AI to continue evolving Unchecked is because it is too Deflationary now for context deflation Is very bad when you have lots of debt Almost every government has massive Amounts of debt that it can't repay and Has been trying to inflate away if AI Becomes truly integrated within the Economy then everything would gradually Become cheaper that's because it would Take less time less money and less

Effort to produce the same output this Would result in widespread deflation Which would result in debt gradually Becoming more expensive and when debts Become more expensive entities with lots Of debt such as governments and the Elites would eventually default and lose Everything Now call me crazy but I don't think They're going to allow that to happen That means they're going to keep AI Under control so it doesn't cause too Much deflation then again if they Succeed in rolling out their Central Bank digital currencies or cbdcs they Could continue keeping inflation Artificially High even though the Economy is actually deflationary due to Ai and they wouldn't even have to pull The levers of this dystopian digital Currency system either they'd let AI do It you can learn more about how far Along governments are with their cbdcs Using the link in the description And that is all for today's video if you Found it informative smash that like Button to let me know also be sure to Subscribe to the channel and ping that Notification Bell so you don't miss the Next one Better yet share this video with your Friends and family so that they're Informed too and if you happen to be Into crypto I have got thousands of

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