The WEF Says THIS Will Happen!! Global RISK Report!

Over the last couple of years people Have come to realize that when the world Economic Forum publishes a report Talking about what will happen in the Future it's more of a promise than a Prediction well the weft recently Released a report which details the Risks the world will soon face according To 13 000 of the most powerful people on The planet It's safe to say that the crises they Forecast are hugely concerning so today I'm going to summarize the wefts global Risks report for 2023 explain what it All means and tell you how you can Prepare for the wefts upcoming poly Crisis Foreign Global risks report for 2023 begins with A brief preface by weff managing Director Sadia zahidi she discusses how Carbon emissions have increased because Pandemic restrictions have been dropped And blames the energy crisis the food Crisis and soaring inflation on the war In Ukraine If you watched our video about ESG and Cryptocurrency you'll know that the Energy Crisis began long before the war In Ukraine and is the consequence of the ESG ideology that was invented by the Weft the esg-induced energy crisis is Causing inflation too though the war in Ukraine is also contributing

Note that Russian President Vladimir Putin was once one of the wefts young Global leaders food for thought Sadia then notes that quote the Resulting shift in monetary policy marks The end of an economic era defined by Easy access to cheap debt and will have Vast ramifications for governments Companies and individuals widening Inequality within and between countries Sadia goes on to explain that the world Is quickly de-globalizing and that only A few countries have the capacity to be Truly independent She also reveals that this is the 18th Edition of the wefts global risks report And note that you can find a link to the Full report in the description now Regarding the so-called poly crisis Saudia says this will be caused Primarily by quote shortages in natural Resources such as food water and metals And minerals She concludes by saying that this year's Edition of the global risks report is a Call to action to prevent this poly Crisis Now the second part of the report Details its methodology the weft got one Part of the information for the report From 1200 of its so-called experts from All areas of the economy the report Specifies that the opinions of these So-called experts were gathered between

September and October just FYI The report also specifies that the weft Got the other part of the information For the report from the wefts executive Opinion survey which includes over 12 000 Business Leaders in 121 countries as For the report itself it was written by 40 West members and 50 other powerful People the author or rather authors then Provide a definition for the term Global Risk quote the possibility of the Occurrence of an event or condition Which if it occurs would negatively Impact a significant proportion of Global GDP population or natural Resources the more you know So the third part of the report provides A summary of its findings Summarizing the summary might sound Redundant but I've read enough of these Reports to know that you do occasionally Come across important information that Isn't entirely evident in the report Itself The authors start by saying that the new Normal of the pandemic was quickly Disrupted by another crisis which is of Course the war in Ukraine What's interesting is that the authors Talk about the pandemic as if it's over Now in case you missed the memo we're Still technically in a pandemic and as It so happens the World Health Organization is supposed to decide

Whether or not the pandemic is over on The 27th of January if they decide that The pandemic is indeed over then it may Be evidence that the weft was aware of This in advance this wouldn't be Surprising given the wefts activities Shortly before the pandemic more about Those in the description The authors then go on to list all the Issues the world is facing today Including quote unsustainable levels of Debt a new era of low growth low Global Investment and deglobalization a decline In human development after Decades of Progress and every other horrible thing You can think of The authors then provide this Infographic which shows the issues that The wefts experts are concerned about Over the next two years and over the Next 10 years as you can see the cost of Living crisis natural disasters and Economic War are at the top of the list For the two-year time Horizon whereas Environmental related issues are at the Top of the list for the 10-year time Horizon The authors reveal that the polycrisis Caused by the shortage in resources will Coincidentally hit its peak in 2030. now I say coincidentally because 2030 is the Deadline that the weft and its Affiliates have set for total world Domination what better way to do this

Than through successive manufactured Crises Anyway speculation aside the authors Then warn That central banks around the World will likely be fighting Inflationary forces for the next two Years the resulting monetary policy I.E High interest rates will do the most Damage to developing countries risking a Collapse of these countries and mass Migration While the wars we're going to see will Be mostly economic the authors seem to Imply that China could soon invade Taiwan this makes sense given that Western countries are setting up their Own microchip manufacturing which makes Taiwan less geopolitically important and Therefore more open to capture To lessen the likelihood of straight up Shooting Wars the authors call for Global controls to be imposed on the Production and movement of weapons Something tells me that they forgot About the fact that weapons will Inevitably be easy for anyone to Manufacture using 3D printers seriously Look it up Anyways the authors tacitly confirm that The technology is the weft and its Affiliates are developing will be Designed to control the population That's because the authors claim that Any countries that do not have access to

These technologies will fall victim to Misinformation the ultimate Elite Buzzword the authors also predict that There will be quote attacks against Agriculture and water Financial systems Public security transport energy and Domestic space and undersea Communication infrastructure note that The weft has recently been talking a lot About these targeted cyber attacks say Did you know that a Cyber attack is a Great way to justify digital ID online Probably nothing Now the authors go on to argue that a Failure to address the climate crisis Means that crises such as the upcoming Shortage in natural resources will be Much worse what the authors fail to Mention is that governments have had the Power to modify the weather for decades And are getting damn good at it more About that in the description moving on When it comes to the cost of living Crisis the author's note quote Associated social unrest and political Instability will not be contained to Emerging Markets as economic pressures Continue to hollow out the middle income Bracket in other words the only two Economic categories will be rich and Poor The Silver Lining is that four in five Of the experts at the weft believe that Most of the damage they describe will be

Done over the next two years half of Them believe that these issues will be Resolved by the end of the decade Probably because they truly believe the Weft and Co will achieve total control Next the authors provide an impressive Infographic which basically shows you How all these different crises will be Connected according to the weft the most Important crises will be collapse of Supply chains erosion of social cohesion And state collapse sounds like they know They are losing control this ties into Another infographic which reveals that The participants in the wefts report Believe that the powers that be are Unprepared to address misinformation and Disinformation They recommend that governments act now And if you watched our video about Online censorship you'll know that's Exactly what they're doing anywho the Fourth part of the report is aptly Titled quote today's crisis and it Includes everything you would expect Energy crisis cost of living crisis and Rising inflation are noted by the wefts Experts as being the most important I Suspect this is because these crises Destroy people's trust in the elites Funnily enough the pandemic is noted as One of the least important crises which Again suggests they know what the who Will decide once upon a time the

Pandemic was what the weft was all about But they've since moved on to other Events I cannot wait to find out which Crises they come up with next In all seriousness the authors refer to These crises as quote older risks that Were faced by previous generations However they cautioned that these old Crises are intertwined with new risks Such as high levels of debt lots of Technological innovation and an Increasing skepticism of weft-like Institutions the authors then break down Some of today's crises in more detail For cost of living they caution that Energy prices will likely remain 50 Percent higher than last year and say That China's reopening could lead to a Surge in energy driven inflation this Will cause central banks to keep Interest rates higher for longer what's Scary is that the authors reveal that The cost of living crisis has caused Mass protests in 92 countries this is Scary because I don't think I've heard About more than a few of these protests This underlines the fact that the people In power are more desperate than ever Keep the narrative under control For the ongoing economic downturn the Authors drop another disturbing Statistic quote inflation rates Rose Above 80 percent in Argentina and turkey While Zimbabwe the bolivarian Republic

Of Venezuela Lebanon the Syrian Arab Republic and Sudan witnessed triple Digit inflation now this obviously puts The low double-digit inflation we've Seen in Western countries into Perspective but then again the official Inflation statistics we are being given May not be that accurate you can learn Why the Consumer Price Index or CPI Might be incorrect by using the link in The description back to the weft Now the authors go on to explain that The international monetary fund or INF Expects Global inflation to drop from Nine percent in 2022 to 6.4 percent in 2023 and further declined to 4.1 percent In 2024. the authors note that this Slowdown in inflation will be felt the Most in developed countries but caution That unemployment could keep it high for Context the Federal Reserve and other Western central banks are concerned that A continuation of low unemployment will Continue to push wages higher higher Wages means more inflation for longer This is why the FED is essentially Pushing for a recession and why it might Be deeper than most expect the authors Also caution that keeping interest rates Higher for longer in developed countries Could cause issues in developing Countries notably for their governments In short money is moving out of Emerging Market government bonds risking a spike

In interest rates that could cause Defaults The authors then have the audacity to Claim that this Dynamic is what caused Sri Lanka to collapse in reality Sri Lanka collapsed because it was trying to Implement the wefts ESG policies on a National scale the result was Effectively a shortage of everything More about what happened there in the Description Now as for the geo-economic Warfare We're witnessing the authors state that The unprecedented sanctions against Russia sent a clear message to any Country that opposes Western interests Your assets will be seized by Western Governments It appears that this hostility is even Occurring between allies as the authors Rightfully point out that the U.S President's ironically titled inflation Reduction Act is incentivizing some Companies in the EU to relocate to the U.S some of you may recall that the Digital markets Act was the eu's Response to this obvious overreach the Author's caution that this situation Will quote likely continue to weaken Existing alliances as Nations turn Inwards with enhanced State intervention Perceived to drive a race to the bottom They even warn that Global organizations Such as the who will be weaponized for

Geopolitical purposes I reckon that's Already happening but that is a topic For another time as for the climate Crisis meanwhile the authors say that There's been a quote Divergence between What is scientifically necessary and What is politically expedient they go as Far as criticizing Europe for turning to Fossil fuels when it faced imminent Energy shortages which is a bit Ridiculous It also reveals that intermittent energy Sources aren't going to cut it but That's yet another topic for yet another Time Now I couldn't help but notice how the Authors note the Netherlands as the Country that's most concerned about Commitment to arbitrary and Ever-changing climate goals this stuck Out because the Dutch government Recently announced it would be buying up And closing down 3 000 Family Farms the Government claims this is because of the Climate crisis but I suspect it has more To do with the Tri-State City that the Netherlands is building in partnership With the UN Setting up the city won't be possible if There are Family Farms in the way and on That note it looks like one of those 15-minute cities more about that Dystopian idea in the description Now where was I oh yes when it comes to

The societal polarization we're seeing The authors seem to assert that it lies At the core of all the other crises We're currently experiencing and could Experience after all if everyone would Just shut up and listen to the wef and Its young global leaders then everything Would be solved overnight Not surprisingly the authors blame the Free sharing of information stating Quote this is further Amplified by Social media which increases Polarization and distrust in Institutions alongside political Engagement To the weft this free sharing of Information is just misinformation and Disinformation the authors also Acknowledge that quote regulatory Constraints and educational efforts will Likely fail to keep pace and its impact Will expand with the more widespread Usage of Automation and machine learning Technologies from Bots that imitate Human written text to deep fakes of Politicians If you watched our video about chat gbt You'll know that openai is trying to Prevent its powerful technology from Being used by the kinds of people that The weft doesn't like One of openai's possible prevention Methods is to force everyone to complete Kyc to use social media and such

No thanks Anywho because today's crises aren't Terrifying enough for the weft to Control the population the fifth part of The report talks about quote tomorrow's Catastrophes which might just do the Trick you'll recall that the top Catastrophes have to do with the weather Which governments can in fact influence The authors group these long-term Catastrophes into five categories Natural ecosystems human health human Security digital rights and economic Stability the authors stress that these Categories are not exhaustive and they Can be used as templates for how to Prepare for other upcoming crises Four natural ecosystems the authors State that humans have Disturbed The Natural Balance of nature which is a bit Funny considering that humans are a part Of nature too but well we know what They're getting at Certain elements of human life have gone To extremes and this is doing damage to The environment if you watched our video About how inflation is destroying Everything you'll know that it's over Consumption which is causing these Environmental issues and that this over Consumption is being incentivized by Inflation a return to a hard money System based on gold or Bitcoin would Help fix this but ending inflation that

Is money creation means that the weft And its friends would have to give up Their positions of power which they are Unsurprisingly unwilling to do as such The Only Solution in their eyes is to Control what you consume and where you Can go while they go on living their Lives without these restrictions if that Wasn't frustrating enough consider the Following quote land use change Remains The most prolific threat to Nature According to many experts Agriculture And Animal Farm coming alone take up More than 35 percent of Earth's Terrestrial surface and are the biggest Direct drivers of wildlife decline Globally moreover quote the ongoing Crisis in the affordability and Availability of Food Supplies positions Efforts to conserve and restore Terrestrial biodiversity at odds with Domestic food security now this is Patently false because more farm animals Could in fact potentially be part of the Solution to climate change more about That in the description and be sure you Watch that video when you get a moment Now what's insane is that the authors Suggest forgiving the debt owed by Developing countries in exchange for Their land so that it can be conserved The authors admit that this would create Serious food security challenges in These countries but don't really seem to

Care all that much about this side Effect For what it's worth the authors Acknowledge that the mining of the Minerals required to make things like Electric vehicles and massive batteries For intermittent energy sources is Extremely damaging to the environment And could disrupt ecosystems it's too Bad that they seem to shrug off this Side effect too The authors also discuss the issuance of Carbon credits which I discussed at Length in another video and of course You know where to find it down below Now for human health the authors pitched The possibility of permanent pandemics Which I'm sure the weft would love to See as a fun fact research has shown That pandemics tend to occur every time There's a solar minimum when the sun is Shining the least this is because it Lowers vitamin D levels globally guess When the last solar minimum was that's Right around 2020. I wonder if the weft Knew that Anyway conspiracy theories aside the Authors can't help but insist that much Of the human health issues we're going To see will be related to climate change And of course they claim that all these Issues will ultimately be due to Disinformation and misinformation Causing distrust in evidently

Untrustworthy authorities For human security the authors highlight The concerns that the wefts experts have About internal conflicts Surprisingly they don't seem to be all That worried about International Conflicts further out in the future I Suppose they reckon we'll be too busy Fighting our neighbors even so the Authors cautioned that the recent Resurgence in militarization could set The stage for international conflicts This is a spooky take when you couple it With this chart which shows China's Military research and development Pumping like a meme coin with the US's Crashing like a coin If you're wondering what weapons Governments are building the authors Cover anti-satellite and Hypersonic Weapons directed energy weapons and Quantum computers it is insane to Consider that directed energy weapons Were once a conspiracy theory just like Weather modification Speaking of which the authors stopped Short of suggesting that hostile Countries are actively using weather Modification weapons against each other But they do predict that so-called Rogue Actors will eventually get their hands On these kind of advanced weapons be They individuals or organized groups Maybe the cast of stranger things if

They go off the rails who knows sorry Anyway moving on from that incredibly Lame joke when it comes to digital Rights the authors point to the ever Increasing erosion of privacy as being The primary issue the ironic thing is That the weft doesn't seem to want the Average person to have privacy rather They want to make sure their Constituents have privacy while they Make massive profits from our data case In point the authors confirmed that Quote individuals will be targeted and Monitored by the public and private Sector to an unprecedented degree often Without adequate anonymity or consent Most of the people who run these Institutions in the public and private Sectors are part of the weft If that wasn't bad enough quote this Pattern will only be enhanced by the Metaverse which could collect and track Even more sensitive data including Facial expressions gait Vital Signs Brainwave patterns and vocal inflections According to the wefts research the poor Will love the metaverse but wait there's More quote Research suggests that 99.98 of U.S Residents could be correctly Re-identified in any data set including Those that are heavily sampled and Anonymized put simply these systems are So Advanced that they can identify you

Even if the info isn't directly linked To your identity As far as the authors are concerned this Is fine because quote the right to Privacy is not absolute it is traded off Against government surveillance and Preventative policing for the purposes Of National Security to be fair they do Admit that this justification can and Often does go too far When it comes to economic stability the Authors underscore the aforementioned Debt crises that many countries are Facing due to Rising interest rates What's funny is that the authors seem to Be hoping for a recession because it Will cause central banks to lower Interest rates which will reduce the Debt default risk they point to the UK's Guilt Market as an example of what could Happen elsewhere if interest rates don't Come down soon and you can find out what Happened to UK guilts using of course The link in the description Now what's crazy is that the authors Reveal that China has become the world's Largest creditor in plain English China Owns more of everyone's debt than anyone Else This is in large part due to China's Belt and Road initiative which has seen The country give infrastructure loans to Developing countries the authors Cautioned that the credit crunch

Currently being experienced by many Countries means that they'll be less Able to spend money on building out Public infrastructure this will further Contribute to the other issues mentioned So far hence why the authors are so Obsessed with the term poly crisis this Relates to the sixth part of the report Which pertains to the possible outcomes Of this poly crisis and the authors Commence by finally providing a clear Definition of polycresses quote A cluster of related Global risks with Compounding effects such that the Overall impact exceeds the sum of each Part what's hilarious is that the Authors admit that the polycrisis which Will again be caused primarily by a Shortage of Natural Resources is due in Large part to the United nations's Sustainable development goals or sdgs Which member countries of the UN are Expected to achieve by 2030. there's That date again Now as for the possible outcomes of this Polycrisis the authors Define for the First is resource collaboration the Second is resource constraints the third Is resource competition and the fourth Is resource control the authors set the Timeline for these possible outcomes for 2030 this is getting old Now for resource collaboration the Outcome sounds like What's Happening Now

Countries cooperate but the real Shortage of Natural Resources causes Inflation to continue which leads to Lots of the same issues the authors have Discussed so far Resource constraints are the same Outcome but worse As for resource competition the outcome Sounds like what many analysts have Predicted countries decide to reassure Their supply chains in an attempt to Become self-sufficient the outcome of Resource control meanwhile is pretty Self-explanatory countries fight each Other for resources to become Self-sufficient what's ironic is that The authors admit that the imperative of Protecting the environment is at odds With strip mining the planet for Materials to make EVs and batteries What's sad is that there's almost no Mention of nuclear energy anywhere in This report it's only mentioned in Passing not as a true topic now besides Precious metals and minerals the authors Are also concerned about water and come To think of it most of the natural Resource shortages they claim would Occur could easily be solved by not Having to rely on intermittent energy Sources like wind and solar somehow this Isn't an option I wonder if that's Because most solar panels wind turbines And batteries are made in China this can

Be clearly seen on the infographic the Authors so kindly provide where China Plays a role at every step of the green Energy rollout Consider that countries could create Nuclear power sources without having to Rely on China but then the weft wouldn't Have centralized control of all the World's energy To clarify China doesn't have all the Minerals the weft needs to create its Centralized smart grids and cities it's Countries like the DRC turkey Chile Australia and South Africa that hold all The carts the author's caution that There will be an intense power struggle For the resources in these regions Nuclear would be so much easier and yet It's somehow not an option despite the Recent breakthrough with Fusion Now this brings me to the seventh and Final part of the report the conclusion The authors Begin by repeating that We're entering a quote low growth low Investment and low cooperation era they Recommend that the readers at the weft Do four things to prepare for the Upcoming poly crisis The first is to improve risk Identification the authors seem to imply That the people in power should try to Crush dissent when it comes to Identifying future risks they also call For the establishment of global

Organizations that will keep track of Future risks and tell countries how they Ought to address them The second is to rethink future risks by This the authors mean that the people in Power should try and minimize the Coverage of real-time risks that pertain To the average person instead they Should try and push people to become Obsessed with future risks that have yet To occur like climate catastrophes The third is to invest in preparedness Which is self-explanatory the authors Reveal that the United States the United Kingdom and others are preparing to pass Laws which will mandate the public and Private institutions prepare for any Kind of Crisis that could occur over the Next 30 Years I wonder why Now the fourth is to cooperate with Other powerful individuals and Institutions in the public and private Sectors the authors complain that International cooperation is Deteriorating and urged countries not to Become self-sufficient rather they Should become reliant on each other Especially on China I added that last Bit obviously So how can you prepare for the wefts Upcoming poly crisis well it seems that The answer is to do the opposite of Whatever the weft wants I'll reiterate That the shortages in natural resources

That lie at the core of this polycrisis Are themselves rooted in the wefts ESG Obsessions as per the author's Admissions and if you watched our video About how to survive the great reset You'll know that ESG is the way that the Private sector is pushing the un's sdgs I predict that the sdgs will fail Because of an upcoming financial crisis The same way the un's Millennium Development goals or mdgs failed because Of 2008. that said there's no denying That there are very real issues in the World that need to be addressed the Concerns that the wefts correspondents Have are very real and very valid the Problem is that they want to centralize Control of the entire system to ensure It doesn't collapse but that's not the Solution The solution is to decentralize well Everything We can start by decentralizing money With cryptocurrency this cryptocurrency Should be hard money like gold to Incentivize saving instead of spending Which will eliminate the over Consumption destroying the environment Bitcoin is a good fit Then we can decentralize energy with Nuclear power and accelerate the Development of fusion power after that We must decentralize information Everything should be as open source as

Possible and it should be possible to Get information about the same issue or Event from multiple sources No more coordinated censorship by the Trifecta of big Tech the mainstream Media and governments voting systems Should be publicly verifiable too this Can already be done today but Governments won't allow this degree of Transparency for some unexplained reason I mean it's not like our Democratic Systems have been hijacked by a corrupt Elite or anything Now when it comes to food production and Water security you'll recall my comment About it being possible to combat Climate change using farm animals the Tldr is to have farm animals graze as They did historically this can turn Literal deserts into oases resulting in More food and more water seriously watch That video So with sound money near Infinite Energy Uncensored information and plenty of Food and water it would become possible To do anything more importantly it would Become possible to overcome any crisis The weft and its cronies could predict Or promise that is the world I want and It's the one I fight for oh and in case You were wondering yes the report did Mention crypto but only once and in the Appendix it's on the list of risks by Alphabetical order under asset bubble I

Guess the so-called experts at the weft Don't know that the crypto Market Crashed or maybe they're still planning Something [Music]


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