OpenAI & ChatGPT: Big Risk or Revolutionary Tech?!

The idea of artificial intelligence or AI has been around since the 1950s but It wasn't until the 2010s that the Concept really started to take off even Then what was being made wasn't all that Intelligent however this all changed in 2021 when openai revealed Dal e an AI That creates Unique Images using text Openai's more recent release of chat GPT Has put the interest in and Adoption of AI into overdrive so today I'm going to Give you a bit of background about open AI explain how chat GPT Works tell you What impacts it could have on Cryptocurrency and examine why it might Become a truly dystopian technology Openai is an AI company based in San Francisco California its purpose is to Quote ensure that artificial general Intelligence benefits all of humanity Open ai's goal is to create the first Artificial general intelligence or AGI AGI will mean that computers can learn In the same way humans can now open AI Was founded in December 2015 by Elon Musk Sam Altman Elia sutskiver Greg Brockman voichek zaremba and John Shulman The company received one billion dollars Of initial capital from the six Founders Along with investors including PayPal Co-founder Peter Thiel and Linkedin Co-founder Reed Hoffman as almost all of You will know Elon is also the

Co-founder and CEO of Tesla and SpaceX The co-founder of neurolink the founder Of the boring company and the CEO and Owner of Twitter he stepped down from Open ai's board of directors in 2018 Citing a conflict of interest with Tesla's own AI development now if you Watched our video about worldcoin you'll Know that Sam is the former president of Y combinator a startup accelerator that Has launched 3 000 companies like Airbnb And crypto projects like filecoin Sam Currently serves as the CEO of openai Ilya meanwhile currently serves as the Company's Chief scientist which makes Sense when you consider his credentials He holds a doctorate degree in computer Science did a postdoc at Stanford University and was apparently one of Google's top machine learning Researchers can't argue with those Credits Similarly to Ilya Greg graduated from MIT with a degree in computer science He's known for being the third employee Of stripe the popular payments company Where he served as Chief technology Officer for five years Greg currently Serves as the president of open AI As for voichek apologies for the Pronunciation he holds a PhD in deep Learning and spent half of his career Working at Nvidia and half working for Google and Facebook focusing of course

On AI It's not clear what voycheck's position Is at open AI but interviews suggest he Works on AI robotics the same is true For John who has been under the radar Compared to the other five Founders from What I was able to gather John holds a PhD in computer science currently works As a researcher for open Ai and is Interested in crypto as well as quote AI Alignment more about that later Now what's interesting is that open AI Was originally created as a response to The AI Solutions being developed by big Tech namely Google's Deep Mind an AI Subsidiary of alphabet founded way back In 2010. open AI wanted to make AI Development open source to ensure that Big text AI didn't take over now if this Transparency talk sounds familiar that's Because Elon was adamant about making Twitter's algorithms open source too not Surprisingly Elon appears to have been The driving force behind open ai's Original Vision although Elon has since Departed Sam still seems to be aligned With this Vision now open AI was Initially set up as a non-profit Organization however in March 2019 it Announced that it would be setting up a Capped profit subsidiary called openai LP the tldr is that any profits Investors make from open AI LP above a Certain limit go to the non-profit open

AI Inc the reason for the reorganization Was because openai was running low on Money it also needed billions of dollars Of additional investment to buy the Hardware it needed for its complex AI Models Elon had donated 10 million Dollars to open AI a few months earlier Suggesting the company was truly in Trouble The catch is that the cap on profit for Openai stands at 100x of an Investor's Initial allocation in July 2019 Microsoft announced that it had invested One billion dollars in open AI Logically this means that Microsoft is Entitled to up to 100 billion dollars Earned by open AI which is a very high Ceiling Microsoft is now reportedly in Talks to invest an additional 10 billion Dollars in open AI This would again give it an insanely High capped profit of one trillion Dollars and 75 cents of every dollar Earned would reportedly go to Microsoft's coffers more importantly Microsoft would own 49 of open AI to Ensure that Microsoft doesn't completely Take over open AI 49 of the company Would be kept by other investors with Openai's non-profit parent company Holding the deciding two percent Unfortunately the details about open Ai's ownership are private so it's not Clear Who currently has the voting power

What is clear is that Microsoft already Has significant influence over open AI Case in point the tech company was given Exclusive licensing rights for open ai's Gpt3 language model in September 2020. Elon's response to the news was that Quote open AI is essentially captured by Micro Now as I mentioned a few moments ago Sam Still seems to be aligned with openai's Original Vision but the same can't be Said for the other co-founders whereas Ilya and wojcek are in it for the tech Greg and John seem to be more open to Being taken over by a big tech company Like Microsoft especially John In a 2019 interview John explained that Openai no longer sees big tech companies As competitors but rather as colleagues He also implied that openai will keep Most things closed source He even revealed that he's worried human Life will have zero value once Artificial general intelligence has been Achieved now this is the opposite of the Pro-human ideology of Elon and Sam both Believe that Humanity will see a net Benefit from the emergence of AI because It will result in Limitless resources By contrast many Silicon Valley Companies and their transhumanist allies Believe that open AI ought to replace Humanity itself In any case Elon is hyper aware that

Microsoft's control of openai only Continues to increase which is why one Of the first things he did after taking Over Twitter was Stop open AI from using Twitter data in his own words quote I Just learned that openai had access to Twitter database for training I put that On pause for now need to understand more About governance structure and revenue Plans going forward Open AI was started as open source and Non-profit neither are still true Recall that Elon has his own AI Aspirations at Tesla too more about Those in the description So this brings me to the topic you all Came here for and that is chat GPT Chat generative pre-trained Transformer Or chat GPT is an AI chat bot that was Released by openai at the end of November last year chat GPT reportedly Hit 1 million users within four days Making it the most rapidly adopted Tech In history Chat GPT was built on top of openai's Gpt3 software which makes it possible For computers to produce text that's Basically indistinguishable from the Writing of a human being This was essentially achieved by giving Gpt3 gargantuan amounts of human Generated data to analyze and replicate In the case of chat GPT it was trained On around

570 gigabytes of different types of text Totaling more than 300 billion words now This begs the question of exactly which Texts chat GPT was trained on and the Answer is pretty obvious if you've ever Tried asking the chatbot controversial Questions as research has shown chat GPT Has a left-leaning political bias and Has almost the same talking points as Mainstream media outlets on most major Issues and events This suggests that chat GPT was trained On pre-approved texts this ties in to Open ai's obsession with ensuring that Chat GPT is safe Now if the last three years didn't make It evident enough safety is often Synonymous with control open ai's Founders have explicitly stated in Interviews that safety and control are The same when it comes to their AI Research and development This relates to the concept of AI Alignment that I mentioned earlier AI Alignment is the technical term for Ensuring that an AI does what its user Wants it to do in theory AI alignment is Supposed to reflect the wants of whoever Is using an AI product like chat GPT in Practice however AI alignment reflects The wants of whoever created the AI Product more about that later now in Addition to being intentionally designed Not to do or say anything that goes

Against the grain another limitation of Chat GPT is that it's not connected to The internet this means it's not up to Date on major issues and events and this Is contributing to its factual Inaccuracies about stuff like the Pandemic besides that however chat GPT Can do almost anything you can think of It can write essays it can grade essays It can write resumes and cover letters It can solve maths problems it can Compose music it can give you Relationship advice it can even write a Personalized workout plan to help you Lose weight Now as impressive as all this is critics Have rightfully pointed out that all Chat GPT is really doing is aggregating Existing information about all these Different topics it's not doing anything New per se it's just radically speeding Up the time it would take for you to Manually find and summarize this Information as such the current Iteration of chat GPT is as an assistant Rather than a rogue AI That's trying to Replace you even though that's what some Entities want it to eventually do What this means for the world is fairly Straightforward it will make any text Related tasks exponentially easier and Faster to complete basic text tasks like Writing an essay are just the tip of the Iceberg now in my opinion the most

Powerful thing chat GPT Can Do Is Write And review computer code This will gradually bring the cost of Building websites and apps to xero and It's going to completely revolutionize The crypto industry here's why Cryptocurrency code is open source Meaning anyone can check to see whether A crypto project or protocol is legit The only problem is that most crypto Holders have no idea how to read Computer code and often must rely on Third-party experts such as auditing Firms to ensure everything is safe chat GPT will make it possible for anyone to Check that a crypto project or protocols Code is legit even if they have zero Experience coding crypto this will make It easier to spot bugs and exploits Which will prevent hackers and scammers From running off with tens of billions Of dollars as they did in just 2022 Alone The result is that the average investor Will trust crypto projects and protocols A lot more and this means that a lot More money will flow into the crypto Industry It will also lead to a Cambrian Explosion in crypto projects as it will Be very easy for anyone to build tokens Dapps wallets you name it The same will be true for metaverse GameFly and nft projects that's simply

Because chat GPT and other openai Products will make it possible to create Engaging environments in metaverse Worlds come up with epic storylines for Game 5 games and brainstorm attractive Use cases for nfts speaking of which the Crypto Niche that chat GPT is going to Benefit the most is one that's almost Non-existent and that's customer service Chat gbt will make it possible to solve Any issues you're having with crypto Projects or protocols potentially up to The point of assisting with recovering Lost crypto more about how to recover Lost cryptocurrency in the description I Digress Now another crypto Niche that's going to Benefit from any AI inventions like chat GPT is any AI related cryptocurrencies Not sure if you've noticed but AI Cryptos have been some of the biggest Gainers over the last few months this is Mostly because there's currently no way Of investing in AI companies directly It's also partially because AI oriented Crypto projects will probably be the First to integrate with Technologies Like chat GPT This could result in new crypto use Cases that we can't even conceive of yet Those that will bring the entire Industry one step closer to breaking Away from the existing Financial system For now though it looks like ai's use

Cases will be limited to auditing crypto Code and creating crypto trading Bots I Must admit that I have my doubts about AI trading being able to generate any Serious returns if someone had an AI That could predict prices though then They would become very rich very quickly Say did you know that Elon sold his Tesla stock within days of the top and That his brother sold on the exact day It topped probably nothing speculation Aside what I've personally been Encouraging everyone to do is use chat GPT to audit the code of their favorite Crypto projects just copy and paste code From a crypto projects GitHub to chat GPT Pro tip for the techies create a bot That automatically copies pastes and Checks the reply this will not only help You understand how your favorite crypto Projects work but it could also open the Door to some seriously lucrative bug Bounties the caveat is that chat GPT Isn't always good at analyzing crypto Code but I imagine it'll be close to Perfect when gpt4 is rolled out sometime Later this year word on the street is That the next version of chat GPT will Be put behind a paywall which makes Sense at that point you'll have to make The decision of whether you really want To give your money to Microsoft as a not So fun fact Microsoft has a patent to

Mine cryptocurrency using your body's Activity By now it should be abundantly clear That AI is a powerful technology that Can be used for good or evil while I'm Optimistic that AI will be used to Create the Limitless abundance predicted By Elon and Sam I have a bad feeling About the AI being developed by openai And it's not just because of Microsoft For starters chat GPT has built-in Biases that prevent it from doing or Saying anything that would be deemed Unsafe by open AI in Practical terms This means chat GPT cannot do or say Anything that would make its users or Open AI uncomfortable This is a problem because the truth well It isn't always comfortable is it call Me crazy but I'm pretty sure the purpose Of AI is to improve Humanity by Providing solutions to complex problems Put differently the purpose of AI is to Improve Humanity by helping it find the Truth about reality but again truths About reality are often uncomfortable Especially if they're about us here's an Easy example suppose you own a Construction company and you want to Hire the most productive workers Possible being tech savvy you ask an AI To assist you in identifying the Qualities the ideal candidate should Have the AI tells you that they should

All be young male and Protestant They should be young because young People have more energy than old people They should be male because men are Stronger than women on average and they Should be Protestant because Protestants Believe that hard work and the deferral Of gratification are how you go to Heaven now you could argue that this is The objectively correct answer yet it's One that would be forbidden by safe AI Because it would be deemed ageist sexist And discriminatory to other religions The thing is that any other answer could Mean less productivity and that's not Aligned with your Construction company's Goals the fact that the AI being Developed by openai makes it Programmatically impossible to identify These types of uncomfortable truths Tells me its primary purpose is for Something other than improving Humanity Open ai's most recent blog post suggests The primary purpose of this AI is Propaganda quote forecasting potential Misuses of language models for Disinformation campaigns and how to Reduce risk now this blog post is about The possibility of a bad actor using an AI like chat GPT to spread objectively False information and the authors make It clear that the only solution is total Control as you can see here the authors Suggest creating AI models that are

Quote fact sensitive meaning that they Cannot provide any answer outside of What's been pre programmed by their Creators The authors also suggest giving total Control of AI Hardware to governments to Prevent disinformation if that wasn't Scary enough the authors even suggest That quote platforms require proof of Personhood to post Now this is something I discussed at Length in our video about online Censorship and if you watch that video You'll know that trust in governments Around the world is hitting record lows That's why the prospect of giving total Control of AI to governments is so Terrifying the first thing they would do Is use it to ban all criticism and Opposition in an attempt to rebuild Trust because that's literally what They're planning on doing with their Online censorship laws Justified again In the name of safety I suspect that Their end game would be to replace all Search engines like Google with Pre-programmed chat Bots like chat GPT Recall that Microsoft is integrating Chat GPT into its Bing browser and Consider that Google reportedly went Into code red after the release of chat GPT due to this kind of competition now Don't get me wrong Google is biased too But at least it's still possible to

Search through multiple sources with a Government-backed AI chat engine you Would not have that option it would Become the single source of Truth Now Imagine a world where this AI is also Teaching people from childhood on that Note I'll leave you with a truly Dystopian outcome and that's biased AIS Like chat GPT being referenced as the Be-all and end-all of discussions about Any issues or events after all what do You know you're just a human your Evidence to the contrary doesn't count The AI will always know best Foreign [Music]


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