BlackRock is LOSING!! The Beginning Of The END!?

With around 8 trillion dollars in assets BlackRock is the largest asset manager In the world and it has become infamous For using its massive wealth to Influence the global economy and Everyday Society Over the last year or so however people Have started waking up and pushing back This is mainly because of the effects Blackrock's ESG investment ideology has Had on both individuals and institutions So today I'm going to explain what ESG Is in simple terms tell you why this Investment ideology is being called into Question and examine whether this is the Beginning of the end for BlackRock If you're unfamiliar with ESG here's What you need to know ESG stands for environmental social and Governance it's an investment ideology That's been pushed by asset managers Like BlackRock and mega Banks like Bank Of America for years If you watched our video about Cryptocurrency and ESG you'll know that ESG has its roots in an initiative by The United Nations from the early 2000s This initiative saw thousands of the World's largest financial institutions Come together to promote what they Touted as a new form of capitalism This new form of capitalism takes Environmental social and governance Issues into consideration not just

Company and shareholder profits This makes the ESG investment ideology Synonymous with the stakeholder Capitalism defined by Klaus Schwab the Founder and chairman of the world Economic Forum or weft Klaus has noted in many interviews and Presentations that the stakeholders in This new capitalist system are the Thousands of individual institutions That are a part of the weft naturally This list includes BlackRock Bank of America and other institutions that have Been pushing the ESG ideology not Surprisingly the weft is where these Institutions have been working to Standardize ESG criteria This has been done with the help of the Big four accounting firms along with the UN in fact it looks like the end game is For the ESG criteria to be synonymous With the un's sustainable development Goals or sdgs now you'd be forgiven for Thinking that ESG is a good thing Individuals and institutions taking Environmental social and governance Issues into consideration for their Operations and Investments sounds really Good on paper but it's really bad in Practice For starters ESG investing effectively Requires the individual or institution To ignore the basic economics of supply And demand when they interfere with an

Environmental social or governance Imperative A simple example is hiring people based On their personal identity rather than Their actual competence obviously a Company that hires its employees based On the former rather than the latter Will have a very hard time competing Against a company that hires its Employees based on competence now this Is why nobody took ESG seriously for the First decade or so after it was first Defined This all changed in January 2020 however When BlackRock CEO Larry Fink published An open letter to the CEOs of all the Companies BlackRock is invested in He basically told them to conform with The asset manager's ESG ideology or else Google search Trends confirm the term ESG went parabolic after Larry's letter That's because or else means that BlackRock will pull funding from Existing companies and refuses to fund Any new companies that don't comply with ESG I'll leave a link to an interview with Kevin O'Leary in the description if you Want to know how much influence BlackRock has here it's truly Unbelievable I'll also remind you that It's not just BlackRock pushing ESG During a panel at this year's weft Conference in DeVos Bank of America CEO

Brian Moynahan said that institutions Who score low on ESG will have a harder Time getting access to financial Services it won't be long before they do The same to individuals The worst part is that ESG criteria Haven't been clearly defined This ambiguity has allowed asset Managers and mega Banks to pick and Choose which companies they invest in or Divest from Tesla is a textbook example Here it was dropped from the s p 500's ESG index despite being objectively ESG Friendly Now if you're wondering why the pushback Against BlackRock and ESG has only begun Over the last year or so the short Answer is the economy if you pull up the Five-year charts for oil and gas prices You'll notice that both started to spike In almost every country in early 2021 Long before the war in Ukraine There are of course many reasons for This these include pandemic stimulus Which increase the money supply the Shutdown of many energy operations due To the pandemic which restricted oil and Gas supplies and the gradual reopening Of many countries which increased the Demand for oil and gas However another reason is years of under Investment in the energy sector Something that continues to this day ESG obsessed investors have been

Reluctant to fund any new oil and gas Operations the ESG policies of some Countries have also restricted existing Operations notably those in the European Union more about the European energy Crisis in the description Now as with most issues the average Person didn't really notice or care Until it started affecting them Personally in the form of inflation The rising prices of fuel groceries cars And houses eventually became impossible To ignore and everyone started looking For someone to blame as the world's Largest asset manager BlackRock was Automatically at the top of the naughty List this resulted in dozens of articles About its investment activities the most Famous of which alleged that it was Buying up thousands of single-family Homes way above asking price Many articles also examined blackrock's ESG investment ideology and correctly Identified it as one of the primary Reasons for the current energy crisis ESG quickly became a Hot Topic in the Mainstream media and on social media and Subsequently became a hot button issue Among politicians in the U.S and Elsewhere this is simply because all the People these politicians represent are Being squeezed from both sides on one Side it's high inflation because of Rising energy costs and on the other

Side its high interest rates on debt Because central banks are raising Interest rates to fight inflation It's safe to say that this has made both The central banks and the politicians Extremely unpopular and this means they Need someone to blame too At first they tried blaming each other As they always do but it didn't work so They tried blaming Putin but it also Didn't work because people aren't that Stupid This has left the politicians with a Fail-Safe scapegoat and that's the rich This is why the CEOs of the largest Asset managers megabanks and Global Corporations have all been getting Called in to testify to politicians in The U.S and elsewhere If you've ever watched any of these Hearings you'll know that they tend to Be largely for show that's because it's The asset managers megabanks and Corporations that often fund the Politicians pretending to oppose them The same is true of The Regulators that Pretend to keep these institutions in Line Case in point when a regulator puts out A request for comment about some new Regulation it's not looking to hear from The average person it's looking to hear From the asset managers megabanks and Corporations

This is something that was admitted by SEC chairman Gary Gensler in a recent Hearing and if you watched our summary About Gary's testimony you'll know that Both political parties are finally Starting to push back against ESG The Catalyst for this seems to have been An ESG based climate disclosure rule Proposed by the SEC in March this year The sec's climate disclosure rule would Require publicly traded companies to Include so-called scope 3 emissions as Part of their emissions reporting This is a problem because scope 3 Emissions include everything that lies Upstream or Downstream from a company's Actual operations so for example an oil Company would be required to estimate The emissions of all the cars that use Its Fuel and include those emissions as Part of its own As with everything ESG related this Sounds reasonable on paper but would be A huge issue in practice that's because Publicly traded companies would be Required to collect extensive Information about the emissions coming From the non-publicly traded companies That are a part of their massive Supply Chains As it so happens many U.S politicians Are also small business owners and some Of them provide goods and services to Publicly traded companies this means

That if the sec's climate disclosure Rule gets passed their small businesses Would get financially squeezed by the Cost of climate compliance some would Say that bankrupting small businesses is Part of the purpose of ESG but let's not Go there Now what's interesting is that it seems Even the ESG obsessed institutions think That the sec's proposed climate Disclosure rule goes One Step too far This is because the SEC had to extend The initial two-month comment period by Another month suggesting there is a lack Of consensus among the elites What's crazy is that the weft published An article arguing that the sec's Climate disclosure rules don't go far Enough The authors who are from MIT said that Scope 3 emissions should be expanded That non-publicly traded companies Should be targeted to and Non-data-driven Analysis should be Included that last suggestion is scary Because it means that a company could Have objectively negligible emissions Yet still score low in the environmental Category of ESG due to some purely Subjective criteria that I'm sure will Not be used to selectively pick and Choose winners and losers as is Currently the case From the outside looking in it looks

Like the ESG oriented asset managers and Big Banks let too many radicals enter Their ranks and are now trying to keep ESG criteria economically reasonable It's possible that these radicals are Responsible for the poor implementation Of otherwise well-meaning ESG policies This is why I refer to ESG as an Ideology rather than just an investment Trend ideologies tend to drift towards Extremes especially when there's lots of Money involved asset managers megabanks And corporations all have access to Almost Limitless money via the central Banks so extremes are inevitable Come to think of it ESG wouldn't even Exist without the ability to make money Out of thin air that's because Individuals and institutions would have To conform to economic reality if they Wanted to make money and wouldn't be Able to afford imposing their Uneconomical ideologies on others or Themselves Now one of the funny things about life Is that you can only ignore reality for So long before it bites you on the Backside Whereas the sec's climate disclosure Rule was the Catalyst for the pushback Against ESG central banks raising Interest rates has been the accelerant To the anti-esg world this is for a few Reasons

For starters the average person is aware That most of the inflation is coming From energy costs we're aware that these High energy costs are due to a supply Shortage made worse by ESG policies we Are aware that if inflation doesn't come Down then central banks will keep Raising interest rates we are aware that If central banks keep raising interest Rates then the public and private Sectors will default because they won't Be able to pay their debts we are also Aware that if central banks stop raising Interest rates then inflation will Continue to grow and confidence in National currencies will collapse we are Aware that a collapse in National Currencies would mean total Anarchy we Are aware that the elites have Globalized the economy to such a degree That anarchy in a single country could Be enough to plunge billions of people Into poverty or worse we are aware that This must be avoided at all costs this Is why some individuals and institutions Have been starting their own anti-esg Funds and ETFs consisting of energy Companies the incredible profits being Made in the energy sector has in turn Made these investment vehicles extremely Profitable while simultaneously Expanding the sector It's also why some U.S states are Starting to outright ban ESG obsessed

Asset managers like BlackRock from using Public money to fund their ideology Texas and Florida were the first to go And it looks like at least another 29 U.S states are planning on kicking the ESG extremists out Meanwhile the European Union has taken The incredible step of labeling nuclear And gas as green energy sources tacitly Admitting that it needs both to operate I reckon anything is greener than Burning coal which is what EU countries Have started to do because of their own ESG induced energy shortages now the Asset managers megabanks and Corporations are aware of a few things Too they are aware that they are Partially if not mostly responsible for The current energy shortage they are Aware that ESG is just a way for them to Control the economy and Society they are Aware that we are now aware of all of This they are aware that it will Therefore be harder to push their ESG Ideology if interest rates continue to Rise because it will be harder for them To borrow money to spend on ESG they are Aware that the value of their trillion Dollar balance sheets will continue to Fall because of higher interest rates Further restricting their ESG spending They are aware that if they continue to Push their ESG ideology then inflation Will continue to rise they are aware

That higher inflation means higher Interest rates they are aware that Higher interest rates and inflation mean That they will quickly become even Bigger enemies of society than they Already are This is why Executives at these Institutions are reportedly starting to Become skeptical of ESG According to a recent survey conducted By CNBC only 25 percent of Chief Financial officers are fans of the sec's Climate disclosure Rules by contrast 35 Percent of CFOs are fans of the anti-esg Steps being taken in some states Another recent survey of CEOs conducted By big4 accounting firm KPMG notes that Skepticism of ESG has doubled over the Last year to 17 Almost 60 percent of CEOs are also Planning on pausing or even Reconsidering their ESG strategies due To the upcoming recession more about That in the description Now the most compelling evidence that Blackrock's ESG Empire is starting to Collapse was the un's recent cop 27 Climate Summit in Egypt there were over 600 fossil fuel lobbyists in attendance A record high the fact that they were Even allowed to attend speaks volumes to How hard reality is hitting ESG Ideologues so this brings me to the big Question and that's whether this is the

Beginning of the end of blackrock's ESG Investment trend as I mentioned a few Moments ago ESG has proven itself to be Nothing more than a way for asset Managers Banks and corporations to Control the economy and Society this is Evident in all the inconsistencies in Their ESG criteria as well as their own Actions and Investments these Inconsistencies are why many former BlackRock Executives have spoken out Against the ESG investment ideology the Most recent one to speak out was Terence Keeley whose criticism can be summarized In three words ESG doesn't work As I mentioned earlier ESG wouldn't even Exist without the ability to make money Out of thin air this ability is quickly Disappearing as interest rates rise and The economy enters a recession the Result is that ESG will become less Important and possibly irrelevant as Admitted by the CEOs surveyed by KPMG Because BlackRock needs to continue Making money for its clients this means That the asset manager will in fact be Forced to Pivot away from ESG whether it Wants to or not then again it could Continue to claim that it's being ESG Compliant while investing heavily in Energy as it's already apparently doing The catch is that if BlackRock continues Its ESG rhetoric then it will become More unpopular with people and

Politicians who increasingly see ESG as Being synonymous with energy shortages This would make the asset manager Susceptible to competition from anti-esg Funds which are becoming more popular On that note it looks like the mega Banks are already starting to Pivot on ESG all of them joined the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero as part Of the un's cop 26 climate Summit last Year Bloomberg recently reported that Most of them are quote quiet quitting on Net Zero just one year later This might have something to do with the Fact that people don't want to worry About whether their bank accounts will Be closed if they buy too much fuel Purchase a firearm or donate to a Particular political party this is all Part of esg's slippery slope and some of It is happening already as for the Corporations Rising interest rates and Falling revenues are doing serious Damage to their disposable incomes many Of the most pro-esg companies have Started cutting down their workforces Chances are that ESG analysts with high Six-figure salaries are being shown the Door first That's because research has shown that ESG doesn't actually make companies any Money it doesn't even pump their stocks It just increases costs the only reason Companies conform to ESG anyways is

Because it gives them access to credit From the mega Banks and investments from The asset managers and the only reason Why Mega Banks and asset managers are Pushing ESG is because of the UN which Wants to not so subtly achieve its sdgs Through ESG The weft seems to be involved as well But it's honestly hard to understand how Exactly these entities are related given All the overlap between them In any case there's historical evidence To suggest that the end of ESG is nigh That's because the UN already tried Pushing its Millennium development goals Or mdgs on the planet back in the early 2000s the mdgs failed because of the 2008 financial crisis so the UN Rebranded and is trying again with the Sdgs unfortunately for them the world is Almost guaranteed to enter another Financial crisis in the coming months And it's one that could be much worse Than 2008. Fortunately for us this means the UNS And the wefts individual carbon credit System may never see the light of day More about that in the description


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