In web 1.0 internet users were consumers But in Web 2.0 we are products big tech Companies like Facebook and Google Gather data about us and sell it to Advertisers for profit the problem is we Don't have a good way to limit the data We are unknowingly sharing on the Internet this is what web3 is trying to Solve web3 can easily be understood as The read write old phase of the internet It aims to eliminate the exchange of Personal data for services and break Down the corporate monopolization of the Internet let's look at the first part of That data is the main currency of Web 2.0 how do we change that well we would Need to build a separate Network that Relies on a different medium of exchange Like a coin you might see where I'm Going with this
Coinbase is a popular cryptocurrency exchange. It makes it easy to buy, sell, and exchange cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. Coinbase also has a brokerage service that makes it easy to buy Bitcoin as easily as buying stocks through an online broker. However, Coinbase can be expensive due to the fees it charges and its poor customer service.