Top 10 FREE Tools To Maximise Your CRYPTO Gains!!!

Trading crypto in this bare Market is Tough that's why you need an edge over The rest and that edge can come from Using some of the best tools of the Trade in this video we'll reveal some of The indispensable resources that we've Added to our crypto toolbox this year to Stay on top of changes in the market and Even better most of them are completely Free so if you've been struggling in These markets this is a video you Literally cannot afford to miss Before I jump into these resources I Just want to say that this video is not Sponsored these are just some of the Tools that Team coin Bureau uses on a Daily basis ones that we thought we Should share and all of which will be Linked to below I'll also say that the List is not exhaustive and there are a Number of other tools out there that you Could make use of too I'll refer you to Our previous video on this if you want An even greater selection okay so with That out of the way let's jump into our First pick which is a resource that will Help you stay informed about changes in The market now we've all been there Descending into the crypto Rabbit Hole Losing hours of your life popping up Occasionally for food water and maybe a Change of clothes it sounds like the FTX Dorm room at the height of s spf's Empire just less sorted I hope now to

Avoid this fate it's important to put on Your big boy or girl pants and take Charge of your sources of news milk road Is a daily crypto newsletter and website That provides tools information and news To help people become smarter about Crypto what I like about milk road is That it's short to the point and filled With levity it's a breath of fresh air Amid all those dense crypto reports it Provides real-time data on market trends A fear and greed index which gives you An idea of whether we're in a phase of Buying or selling and simple breakdowns Of complex crypto topics if you're short On time or new to the space it's a great Place to start and I'm clearly not the Only one to enjoy the milk Road the Newsletter grew a 250,000 subscribers in 10 months and was apparently sold for a Princely sum not that long ago not bad For a one-year experiment and another Newsletter I'm a fan of is axios crypto Which is authored by Crystal Kim and Brady Dale an old hand in the crypto Space what I like about axios crypto is There's no BS they take a story and Break it down clearly into bite-sized Chunks explaining why it matters how to Read between the lines and anything else Of note and of course we to have a Weekly Newsletter which you'll also find Linked to below moving on though the Next resource I'm going to talk about

Will help you level up your research we Have a great overview of our top 10 Research tools on our website which you Should check out here though I want to Talk about a great news aggregator Crypto Panic for those of you used to Glitzy news new sites packed with Pictures crypto Panic might strike you At first as a little Arcane but this Tool is excellent it Aggregates news From various sources including media Blogs and news websites and presents Them in a single feed you can also tell That this website was developed with Crypto traders in mind given the default Dark theme now when it comes to Searching for information you can filter According to the type of news source Blogs for instance and also according to The type of content content anything From bullish to bearish news stories to Top commented if that's your thing and If you sign in with a free account you Can create a neat portfolio tracker too Here's a sample one we created for this Video using BTC anath having the free Account also allows you to vote on a Number of polls polls that you yourself Can push as well it seems though that There hasn't been too much activity here Of late bare markets eh next up we have Telegram groups now now I would say Telegram is essential if you work in or Are interested in crypto if you've ever

Been to a crypto conference you'll no Doubt have used telegram to connect with Other folk in the community but it's Also an extremely valuable source of Information just note that it's also Where a lot of Shilling of shitcoins Goes down too so stay alert now we've Already covered our top 10 telegram Channels in a previous video so if you Want more details you can check that one Out the link is in the description now I Presume that you're already signed up to The coin buau telegram group where You'll find the latest news video alerts And rally reports as well as ours though Here are three more telegram groups to Check out the first of these is whale Alert as the name suggests it tracks Large crypto transactions made by Wales In other words those entities who hold Enough crypto to potentially move the Market the most important transactions To keep an eye on are movements to and From crypto exchanges as these can often Give you a clue as to whether the whales Are going to sell that asset or not the Second Channel I'll mention here is ICO Analytics now this channel will give you Frequent updates about upand cominging Cryptocurrencies including VC funding Rounds and events for projects monitor This Channel and you might just get a Heads up about an upcoming pump before Others do the third telegram channel to

Look out for is 100 eyes crypto scanner This is a bot that detects abnormal Price action including a sudden pump or Dump on a short time frame it even Detects bullish and bearish divergences If you're into technical analysis this One is most definitely for you so now That we've covered the news let's get Into the data and analytics so the next Tool in our Arsenal for navigating the Crypto space is token unlocks this tool Is instrumental in tracking vested Tokens alerting users about imminent Unlock events and offering a thorough Analysis of tokenomics the token lockup Or the vesting period for those who need A reminder is a predetermined time frame During which tokens are restricted from Being traded or liquidated this helps Reduce Market manipulation and token Dumping to improve a project stability And is beneficial to investors project Owners and token holders alike investors Need to know vesting schedules as they Dictate the timing of their full control Over and the ability to sell their Holdings but vesting schedules could be Even more important for retail investors Like us because when tokens are being Unlocked they can technically be dumped On the market no one wants to be exit Liquidity so if you're an investor on Either side of a project token unlocks Is a fantastic resource the platform

Provides exhaustive details on vested Assets and forthcoming token unlocker Currencies if you sign up for free You'll get their newsletter and Tokenomics insight if you're a Trader You might want to check out their paid Subscription for more detailed insights Like trading strategies unlocks activity And Project Specific unlocks the annual Subscription cost is $400 which on the Face of it may sound like a lot however If you were to compare it to some of the Other data analytics tools on the market It's actually pretty well priced now the Next tool in my crypto toolbox is trade GPT created by cryptocurrency Exchange Bybit Trade GPT is an AI powered Educational tool designed to support Crypto Traders with real-time market Analysis and datadriven questions and Answers think of it like this chat GPT Is great but it was last updated in September 2021 and isn't useful for Tracking the latest market trends and Movements bybit though has Oodles of Market data trading analytics and so on So cleverly the exchange integrat ated The two so you can now ask trade GPT Anything you want about the markets your Imagination is the limit you want to Track whale Traders get a price analysis Report of BTC or Ballinger band Indicators just ask the AI and if English isn't your mother tongue don't

Worry the tool has multilingual support So if you P FR tiam Arabi or F Portuguese there's kind of problem just Note that you have a daily limit of 20 Queries in order to use trade GPT you'll Need a buybit account now we happen to Have an amazing signup deal exclusively For the viewers of this channel up to $40,000 in bonuses and zero maker fees For the first 30 days more info about That is linked to in the description and If you don't know the first thing about The exchange we've also got you covered In our complete review and beginners Guides that's in the same spot next up We have a great tool to stay on top of Macro developments now fans of this Channel know how important it is to keep An eye on the US Federal Reserve the FED Sets the federal funds rate to control The money supply in the system which can Help keep inflation in check or Stimulate the economy when it slows down The funds rate is hugely influential as Us interest rates can have a major Impact on market prices both traditional And crypto luckily enough CME fedwatch Tool does a lot of the heavy lifting When it comes to tracking the fed and Each of its Eight Annual Federal Open Market Committee fomc meetings Specifically CM fedwatch examines the Likelihood of the FED changing its Interest rate target at Future fomc

Meetings and presents these Probabilities in an easy to understand Chart if you were wondering how on Earth They get these probabilities they're Backed out of the pricing on interest Rate Futures so the Market's best guess Of where the FED could set the rate it's A really simple tool though as in just a Few clicks you can sus out the Likelihood of a future interest rate Hike in this image the bar on the left Represents the likelihood that the funds Rate will stay the same come the next Fomc meeting while the graph on the Right represents the likelihood of a Rate hike and it's not just the upcoming Fomc that this tool looks at you can use It to predict funds rate hikes many Months into the future the website has Very clear demo videos on how to use the Tool effect effectively which I'll also Link to below okay next up we have Crypto miso yes like the soup if you're A developer you'll know that GitHub is The most popular git repository in the World if you're not a developer all you Need to know is that GitHub is where Most developers store and manage their Code collaborate on projects and so much More so if there's a lot of activity in A crypto Project's GitHub it's a good Sign that the project is being improved Or the developer po pool is growing on The other hand if there's not much

Activity in GitHub it could be a red Flag that the project is faltering or Worse is a shitcoin but then again you Shouldn't rule out a project just Because there isn't much activity in Fact some of the biggest crypto projects By market cap have periods of very Little activity for example check out This screenshot of polygon's Matic now Matic is 169th in terms of developer Activity yet 13th largest in terms of Market cap there might not be much Developer activity on Matic right now But you can be sure that it's legit Anyway if you want to keep track of Developer activity check out Crypt miso It's a platform that ranks Cryptocurrencies by analyzing their Activity on GitHub Crypt miso monitors The commit history I.E code changes of 222 prominent cryptocurrencies and Displays it all in an easy to grasp Chart the homepage shows you a chart With the top 10 projects in the past Year you can adjust the time frame or Search for the crypto of your choice in The top right simples now another easy To ous tool is crypto fees it does Exactly what it says on the tin the Website gives you info on the fees Generated across 44 blockchain protocols Crypto fees can help you understand Which cryptocurrencies are being Actively used and therefore which ones

Are more likely to have long-term value With regular monitoring and in Conjunction with other investment tools A Savvy investor can use crypto fees to Help spot Trends though not a foolproof Rule higher fees tend to correlate with Increased activity while lower fees May Indicate less Activity one thing I Should also note is that despite what The name might suggest crypto fees is Not a tool that will help you save money On transactions or provide data on fees Per transaction this is because as the Platform explains in its FAQ quote fee Per transaction implies implies that all Transactions are equivalent a simple Token transfer is very different from a DEX trade htlc lock rollup data block Etc so use it for investing not for Saving fees the last thing I'd like to Highlight about crypto fees is that it's Not a money-making project rather it's a Free open-source community resource People providing services for the Community for free that is what we love To see so the ninth tool on our list is Essential for those BTC investors out There the vision behind look into Bitcoin is impressive they are quote Democratizing Bitcoin data so that Everyone not just the financial Elite Can benefit from this revolutionary new Asset class and the data around it it's True this platform provides a suite of

High quality learning tools for Bitcoin Investing and for free the Bitcoin live Price tab for instance has everything From the fear and greed index to B BTC Price predictions profitable days and Charts comparing BTC with the S&P 500 Tesla and other assets and the Bitcoin Investor tool 2-year moving average Multiplier is another very useful chart Based on historical precedence of Market Cycles this chart can be used to Indicate whether the price of Bitcoin Today is at levels that are historically Low high or average in essence when the Price of BTC rises above the Red Band it Suggests that the market is very excited About Bitcoin and that prices might be Unsustainable if it's below the green Line the opposite is true and prices are Likely to go up in the future as you can See the price of BTC is currently below The green line so good news could be on The horizon and now it's time for our 10th and final recommendation so drum Roll please and that is token terminal Now this is a platform that a agregates Financial and alternative data on Blockchains and decentralized Applications that run on blockchains if You're serious about investing token Terminal is your go-to it's Comprehensive and clear as a starting Point you should check out their demo Videos which provides the most

Comprehensive overview of the tools on Offer and how to optimize their use but I also want to point out their cheat Sheet which I'll link to in the Description below at a glance the cheat Sheet outlines the multitude of metrics Available how they're calculated and why They are useful for instance the token Holders metric will tell you the number Of unique governance token holders which Helps you understand if the protocol's Ownership is concentrated or Decentralized there are metrics like the Protocol revenues and operating costs That will help you determine whether the Protocol has an economically sustainable Business or not metrics like total Volume locked Capital deployed and asset Staked can help you gauge whether there Is Trust in particular protocols I could Go on and on but I I think you get the Picture token terminal is a gold mine of Valuable data and an invaluable Learning Resource you could spend days and days Passing through it all and they would be Days well spent and while we're on the Topic of data analytics platforms I also Want to give a special shout out to Nanson this is also a really popular Onchain tool that is the go-to for any Crypto Twitter sleuth or dii D gen even If you aren't one of those it could help Level up your onchain analysis we Actually met the nanson CEO in Singapore

And I interviewed him over on our Clips Channel it's definitely worth a watch And I'll leave a link in the top right For You okay so that's about it for all the Resources and tools today if you want to Use any of them then they're all linked To in the description below but now over To you guys do you use any of the tools We've mentioned in this video If so we'd Love to know your thoughts about them And are there any other free tools you Recommend drop your comments below Finally if you found value in this Content a like and a subscribe would be Much appreciated okay until next time This is Guy signing [Music] Off


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