INSANE Reason why Bitcoin will hit $1,000,000!!! What about ETH? 🚀

In the world of crypto we've been talking 
about crypto for a long time I remember you   And I had a conversation probably two 
years ago talked about Bitcoin going   To five hundred thousand dollars you still 
in the same same place uh yes we are uh in   Fact we're a little higher than that in 
our base case uh for for the year 2030.   Um and in our Bowl case much higher investing 
expert Kathy Wood who's investing firm Arc invest   Just put out their big Ideas 2023 the purpose 
of this report to enlightened investors on the   Long-term impact of innovation started in 2017 
this annual research report seeks to highlight   The technological breakthroughs evolving today 
and creating the potential for super exponential   Growth tomorrow we believe that Innovation 
is taking off now corroborating our original   Research and boosting our confidence in ark's 
strategy that we're on the right side of history   In this report Kathy Woods details how Bitcoin 
can hit one million per coin by 2030 and you won't   Believe what she said about ethereum but anyways 
listen to how she justifies 1 million per Bitcoin   To this skeptical CNBC anchor here Bitcoin going 
to 500 000 you still in the same same place uh   Yes we are uh in fact we're a little higher than 
that in our base case uh for for the year 2030   Um and in our bull case much higher if you 
look at what has happened in the last year   Um actually Sam bankmanfried didn't like 
Bitcoin at all and he didn't like it because   Of its decentralization and transparency and what 
companies and uh went under they were the highly   Centralized non-transparent opaque companies so 
FTX Celsius uh three AC three arrows Capital uh if   You look at what happened to bitcoin the network 
and ethereum the network they really didn't skip   A Pete all transactions uh were completed all 
smart smart contracts opened and closed so I   Think that uh starting with 0809 which is when 
Bitcoin really uh debuted uh and even more so   After the the crypto Fallout this past year 
the collapse in many companies uh this idea   Of transparency and decentralization uh is taking 
hold and Bitcoin and ethereum are the the two best   Manifestations of that in the crypto world the 
question is how how does Bitcoin hit one million   Dollars per coin what's your reasoning Kathy Wood 
walk us through this it's interesting how she says   That her predictions in the report are actually 
conservative and dialed down pay attention to   What she says at the end of this this has gotten 
a lot of attention as many of your predictions do   That you guys are still looking for a million 
or more a million dollars or more in Bitcoin   Value uh going out to 2030. um as I said this is 
a controversial take after the drubbing and then   Some that we have seen in Bitcoin walk me through 
it here like how do we get from here to there   Yes and you can see uh the building blocks in 
Big Ideas uh Big Ideas 2023 the assumptions   You'll see are very conservative in fact we've 
dialed them down uh you know from uh just take   Institutional managers looking at Bitcoin as 
a new asset class and they are and they are   Um uh we we've seen coinbase and BlackRock 
hook up recently it's because institutional  

Investors want access to this new asset 
class which uh the the returns of which   The correlation of the returns are low 
which is exactly what they're looking for   Um a lot of uh let me just step back and just 
say last year was a disaster for uh for crypto   Generally however if you look at the Bitcoin 
blockchain it did not skip a beat no transaction   Was interrupted did it did what we thought it 
was going to do and it is no surprise to us   That Sam bankman freed did not like Bitcoin uh 
why it's completely decentralized and completely   Transparent uh and uh he was he couldn't control 
it his firm FTX was completely centralized and   Opaque uh so we think that as as investors reflect 
on what happened last year the failures were those   Companies who that were not decentralized were not 
transparent Bitcoin didn't skip a beat and if you   Watch what's going on especially in Emerging 
Markets there's hyperinflation all over the   World as their currencies have fallen apart and 
as their fiscal and monetary responses to covid   Um have are now proving in some cases to 
be disastrous those individuals the the   Those population need a fallback an insurance 
policy like uh like Bitcoin as do high net worth   Individuals who are worried that uh their wealth 
will be confiscating confiscated uh inflation   Is confiscation of wealth uh but then there's 
outright confiscation uh and I'm sure that there   Are uh there are individuals in the troubled spots 
of the world the the Russia's the controversies in   China who are uh looking for that fallback in 
case something really uh wrong happens to them   Uh in in these countries those there there are 
tycoons who understand what their risks are so   Uh we believe that in insurance policies that 
Bitcoin is probably the best insurance policy   Just keep that key in your head and at some 
point you'll be able to cross a border and   Reclaim your wealth let's go through it Bitcoin 
a durable Network We Believe bitcoin's long-term   Opportunity is strengthening despite a turbulent 
year Bitcoin has not skipped a beat its Network   Fundamentals have strengthened its holder base has 
become more long-term focused contagion caused by   Centralized counterparties has elevated bitcoin's 
value properties decentralization auditability   Transparency the price of one Bitcoin could exceed 
1 million in the next decade bitcoin's drawdown in   This bear Market was the fifth largest in history 
and the second longest in history and overall par   For the course when it comes to bitcoin despite 
severe drawdowns Bitcoin has outperformed every   Major asset class over longer time Horizon 
bitcoin's fundamentals are stronger today   Than in past drawdowns Bitcoin has capitulated 
enough that it has hit levels associated with   Price troughs in the past Bitcoin holders are 
more long-term focused today than at any other   Point in history Bitcoin Supply held by long-term 
hodlers people who don't have a history of selling   There's more than ever exchanges have increased 
transparency in response to the collapse of trust   In centralized crypto entities bitcoin's hash rate 
hits all-time highs in 2022 probably again this   Year Bitcoin mining is harnessing and containing 
natural gas emissions for more on Bitcoin mining  

Check out this video Bitcoin mining is good for 
the environment 21 reasons why institutions are   Committed to bitcoin during a bear Market which 
is the most surprising and thrilling and you can   Read about this yourself in the report Bitcoin 
is likely to scale into a multi-trillion dollar   Market hitting a price point of one million 
dollars per Bitcoin in the next seven years and   That's just Bitcoin so much in this report has to 
do with crypto if there in fact was mentioned 31   Times in this report defy a promising alternative 
to centralized intermediaries as centralized   Crypto lenders failed defy lending protocols 
functioned as designed the ethereum merge   Ushered ethereum into a new era a deflationary 
era that issues yield we're still in the early   Days of ethereum's layer 2 network but ethereum is 
beginning to scale but we're early smart contracts   Are the future they could facilitate up to 450 
billion in Annual fees by 2030. even Morgan   Stanley's ex-ceo holds Bitcoin 50 years from 
now I think things will be even more electronic   And driven more and more by input from humans into 
computers on how to trade how to take risks and to   Make sure they don't go over their limits you 
used to own some Bitcoin I do do you still own   It now yes look I'm in a company called current 
a young man who started this company I put money   With him Zoe Cruz who you know and met before 
she runs a fund I'm invested in her and then   Through my family office we have some outright 
positions in crypto regular people continue to   Talk about Bitcoin and that's why people are big 
proponents of Bitcoin because there's no head you   Know the guy who created it is no longer here 
it's it's it's it's it's much more distributed   In that way is he no longer here is he amongst us 
his problems Elon Musk oh yeah you this yeah yeah   You immediately threw your friend Elon under the 
bus interesting as one does interesting as one   Who's guilty does yeah I mean that that's a pretty 
gutsy move to to create something really special   And to walk away yeah it's interesting it's 
very interesting all of it's interesting because   Um having options as to uh you know it's not like 
our financial system is perfect having options and   Allowing it to evolve and get better that should 
be everyone's goal and with so many upgrades   Coming for ethereum this year including stakers 
being able to unstake this is hugely bullish   For the network listen to this when ethereum lets 
you unstake bullish the biggest barrier to people   Staking Eve you know and and getting rewards from 
that was the uncertainty of knowing when you could   Get your funds back so it was sort of this weird 
uh scenario right would you you know deposit   Money in a savings account if the bank said 
well we don't really know when you could with   You know not only can you not withdraw your 
funds but you we don't even know when you can   So that uncertainty was a massive barrier for 
entry for most people um so that barrier is   Now being removed there's an expectation of uh 
more people to start staking get your tickets   To nftla Outer Edge March 20th through March 23rd 
will be there we'll be on some panels this is one   Of my favorite crypto conferences in La maybe 
the best and to find out why it's so cool we  

Interviewed the founders check it out the number 
one best crypto event in Los Angeles nftla get   Your tickets check out this interview to find 
out more details it's going to be epic we'll   Be there get your tickets to bitcoin 2023 Miami 
May 18th through 20th Miami Beach this year use   Code altcoin daily 10 off this is the biggest 
Bitcoin Conference of the Year ticket prices   Continue to increase as we get closer to the event 
use code altcoin daily 10 off get your tickets now


Coinbase is a popular cryptocurrency exchange. It makes it easy to buy, sell, and exchange cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. Coinbase also has a brokerage service that makes it easy to buy Bitcoin as easily as buying stocks through an online broker. However, Coinbase can be expensive due to the fees it charges and its poor customer service.

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